Monday, June 24, 2013

Character Building: Yara Kren (Part 4):

Alright, we've gone over most of the character building for Yara Kren, ranging from her genetic breakdown, personality, abilities, gear and more over the past few days while examining the process of building a character using the template sheets.  While there is still information to fill in for her companions and mount, the companions at least have already been covered previously in the development blog.  That said, we'll skip that sheet for now, and move to the last sheet for her domicile, and then back to the first sheet for her final stats and attributes.

Her domicile is named "The Raven's Beak" and its location is "Docked at Obana Village Pier".  The notes would list its measurements (sloop that is 45" long by 20" wide with a 6" hold), as well as its movement speed (averages 12 knots), its natural durability (50 EP), and inventory storage amount (2000 pounds).  Attached to its sheet or on the back could be a listing of some of its inventory, which currently nothing, as Yara didn't have anything but her carried supplies and food and water with her when she left the merchant fleet in order to make a fast journey.  The consumables, save what is in her carried supplies, were used during the journey, and as such nothing is in it yet.  Perhaps in her travels she will add more, but we'll deal with it as if she has just arrived at Obana Village and thus has nothing to it.

Alright, back to the first sheet again, dealing with her stats and attributes.  First, the original stats and attributes from the modifications before the rolls and slotting.

HP: 0 / EP: 0 / LP: 1 / SP: 0 / FP: 1
REA: 1 / FIN: 1 / INT: 2 / WIS: 0 / WIL: 1 / STR: 2 / Speed:2

Modifiers to Checks:
Accuracy: +1
Alchemy: +1 (-1 Morale if failure, plus other effects)
Beauty: +1
Charisma: +4
Courage: +1
Courage: Enclosed Spaces: -1
Courage: Spiders: -1
Emotional Attacks: -1
Learning: +1
Morale: +1
Observation: +1
Psion Ability Check: +1 (while wearing her circlet)
Psionic Focus: +1
Singing Performance: +1
Sneak Attacks: +1
Stealth:0 (-1 and +1 balances out)
Sweet Food Resistance: -1
Wit: +1

Okay, so that's before the slotting and rolls, and the modifiers to checks area won't be altered, but the stats and attributes will be.  For the stats (HP, EP, LP, SP, and FP), 25 points are spread between them by player choice.  For the attributes (REA, FIN, INT, WIS, WIL, STR, and Speed) a 1d12 will be rolled for the starting values, and the player may choose which of the values goes to which attribute.  If a roll comes to less than 5 it gets a reroll.  That said, the stats for Yara should be slotted to health and focus primarily in order to give a longer time to do abilities, with still a bit toward endurance to resist non-surprise attacks and in case of over-exerting herself in roleplay, and some to sanity points as 5 is the standard value.  The further away from that the less others will find her sane, with lower ones being understanding the universe less and higher meaning understanding the universe more.  We'll stick with a 6 for that to give her a slight increase due to having seen things as a con artist and with her upbringing that others might not believe due to their lack of understanding.  All in all, the stats and attributes get sorted out by choice and rolls in addition to the changes to end up with the following values:

HP: 8 / EP: 3 / LP: 1 / SP: 6 / FP:8
(all slotted by player choice, plus modifiers)
REA: 15 / FIN: 15 / INT: 14 / WIS: 11 / WIL: 11 / STR: 9 / Speed: 8
(1d12 each, and modifiers, with rolls resulting in 7, 11, 12, 10, 12, 12, and 6 to distribute)

So, looking at her stats and attributes we see that she's got a decent amount of health and focus to use abilities, as well as high reaction, finesse, and intelligence, as well as good attributes for the rest as well.  Now that we have Yara Kren all built, let's finish filling in her sheets, and I'll upload the final versions and illustration tomorrow.

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