Sunday, June 30, 2013

System Mechanics: Religion and Spirituality Traits:

In Myths and Legends, higher power beings are those that take the focus from those beneath them offering it up to them in exchange for information, boons, general protection, and other assorted reasons to offer servitude to them.  For every essence there is a higher power being that claims dominion over it, sometimes more than one which may do so depending on the culture.  As a result, there are a multitude of different higher powers to devote focus to, and different things gained as a result per one.  More will be dealt with on higher power beings and their benefits later after the traits are done being covered, but suffice to say, Acolytes are some individuals who devote most of their time to doing the bidding of their higher power being.

Religious Devotion:
How strong a character believes in their religion or spirituality.

Agnostic characters do not believe in a particular higher power, but believe in the possibility of one or more existing, generally not having a personal connection to one before.  They get -1 to Favor with any higher power being that they choose to serve, making them need to work harder to please them at the start.

Atheist characters do not believe in higher powers existing or having any powers.  They are unable to utilize soul power as a result until they believe in one.

Casually Religious characters believe in at least one higher power being according to their cultural norms, but are casual about the specifics of their belief, being able to use soul power but not having any bonus to it.

Incarnist characters believe in reincarnation and the recycling of souls, having the potential to draw upon knowledge of their lineage for special abilities, but have no bonus to Favor.

Orthodox characters believe in at least one higher power being according to their cultural norms and are able to utilize soul power with a +1 to Favor as a result.

Spiritualist characters believe in spirits and extra-dimensional beings that may or may not be higher power beings, but believe in them as messengers and potential allies, not as beings that deserve their focus unless proven to be useful.  As a result, they are great Gates and Channelers, getting +1 to SP, but no bonus to Favor.

Religious Tolerance:
How willing a character is to accept the differences between their beliefs and that of others.

Accepting characters learn from the beliefs of others to learn more about the universe around them and higher beings in general, gaining +1 SP, and some higher powers prefer this, while others do not.

Intolerant characters are unwilling to learn from the beliefs of others or to learn more about the universe around them except where it fits what they believe already, getting -1 SP.  Some higher powers prefer this, while others do not.

Tolerant characters are willing to live and let live, not learning more about the universe as a whole more than normal, but generally aren't going against the wishes of their higher power being by neither being accepting nor intolerant.

Religious Demeanor: Expressiveness
A character's demeanor deals with how they act in regard to their beliefs.  Their expressiveness deals with how much they act on their beliefs.

Inexpressive characters rarely act specifically based on their beliefs, and get no bonus to Favor.

Casually Expressive characters sometimes act specifically based on their beliefs and get +1 Favor.

Zealous Expressive characters frequently act specifically based on their beliefs and get +2 Favor.

Religious Demeanor: Exemplification:
Characters exemplify their beliefs and try to convert others, or they do not put effort into it.

Stagnant Example characters rarely almost never try to convert others to their beliefs, and don't try to be an example of their beliefs.  They get -1 Favor.

Casual Example characters sometimes try to convert others to their beliefs, and sometimes try to be an example of their beliefs.  They get no bonus to Favor.

Dedicated Example characters often try to convert others to their beliefs, and usually try to be an example of their beliefs.  They get +1 Favor.

Religious Demeanor: Respect
How much a character is respectful of their own belief in a higher power being or force, and how respectful they are of other beliefs.

Irreverent characters are not fearful of their higher power beings or their religion in general, nor any religion.  They get -1 Favor.

Fearfully Religious characters are fearful of their higher power beings in regard to their religious beliefs, and of others but not as much.  They get no bonus to Favor.

Judgmentally Religious characters are not afraid of their own higher power beings, having respect for them, but are very judgmental about other religious beliefs and those deviating from what they understand of their own beliefs.  They usually either try to convert others or think they are beyond help depending on their beliefs.  They get +1 Favor if their higher power beings desires this, no bonus if they do not.

Humbly Religious characters are respectful of higher power beings and neutral about other beliefs, though may still try to convert others.  They get +1 to Favor unless their higher power beings want them judgmental.

Ecstatically Religious characters are eager to please their higher power beings, respectful of other ones and may aid them as well if not against their beliefs, and eagerly try to convert others to their beliefs without being judgmental.  They get +2 to Favor on their higher power beings want this, +1 Favor to all others, and no bonus to their own higher power beings if they want them judgmental.

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