Sunday, June 9, 2013

System Mechanics: Charming and Taming:

Life is filled with strange oddities, creatures that are exotic to those not from their native habitat, small quirks in individuals that make people and animals charmed by them with ease in general, or with specific types of people and animals.  From the individuals who seem to calm the most erratic of people, to those making disobedient pooches into loyal pets and people who rest with lions and their cubs unharmed, certain characters just know how to tame the savage beast.  Sometimes it is just instinct, sometimes luck, and sometimes just experience and knowledge.  In MaL, almost anything can be tamed, given enough of the right stats and ability check scores at the time of an attempt.  Sentient individuals, preferring not to be so closely associated with more primitive animals, and thinking themselves more difficult to coerce, will usually call such attempts charming rather than taming.

Taming or Charming works the same either way, though with charming there is usually more needed in terms of statistics and ability scores, and sometimes more knowledge for one individual over another.  The charmed or tameness score by default is the sanity multiplied by the willpower.  If one doing the taming or charming has greater score than the one being tamed or charmed, the individual can do it.  If there is equal score, then a check is done on the knowledge known by the one taming or charming compared to the interests of the other.  If there is a high difference between the personality of one character or creature to another--via the symbolism typing used for alchemy--then that knowledge is needed or it is affected by luck points being burned.  For example, someone being charmed who is given a rose as part of the attempt might react favorably if they like roses and the gift is appropriate at the time, but if they find them to be a symbol of war, or inappropriate due to the symbolisms surrounding the area or the conversation, then it will reduce instead of add to the charming check.

Tamed/Charmed = SP * WIL <+/-> Symbolism Difference (If Charmed) <+/-> LP [if sum of tamer/charmer is greater equal to or greater than that of the one being tamed/charmed].

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