Saturday, June 15, 2013

Terror: Basic Zombies:

"Infected subjects show a working nervous system, responding to touch by attempting to grab something brushing against them in order to determine if the object can be infected, consumed, or merely ignored. However, dissection of the subjects and attempts to trigger pain responses prove my hypothesis that the infected do not have a discernible upper limit of their pain threshold. They may moan and even scream in pain, but unlike an uninfected individual, they will not pass out from even the most severe of these sensations." --Xil Nu Kanthe, Research Scientist, Zombie Specialist.

Zombies come in many shapes and sizes, the microscopic parasite that causes the infection taking root in the brain tissues primarily, and causing massive changes to the mental and physical structure of their hosts, as well as mutations of the parasite causing further changes. The most common type of zombie is the standard infection, which takes a week to fully control the host, bringing a desire for protein and fatty acids, a desire to spread the infection, and a need to feed when necessary or if a potential host is too violent to be able to tear them apart before feeding. Zombies largely hunt by sound, most varieties having a terrible sense of smell due to their own stench from their bodies breaking down as well as plugged noses from the infection itself. Some basic zombies will arise as an older infected spreads their infection but dies before the new infected turns, but most hunt in packs of three or more, their eyes seeing movement, but unable to process much detail. While the multitude of species allows for both sentient and non-sentient species

Terror: Basic Zombie: An infected individual of a species that has a microscopic parasite in its brain and bodily fluids that makes it seek out protein and fatty acids to consume to keep it going while trying to spread the infection further. Typically found in packs of three or more, regardless of species. Hunts mostly by sound and motion, terrible sense of smell. Attacks or tries to infect whatever it bumps into as it searches for food and to spread the infection. Due to their limitless endurance, but low health per zombie, the differences between species becomes mostly negligible. They are, by the large, best killed by separating the brain from the rest of the body, although depending on the species that might not always be in what appears to be the head. Initially they move at the same pace without slowing down until they no longer have enough nutrients their body needs to keep in efficient infected status.

HP: 10 / EP: 45 (Damage Resistance)_Infinite (Pain Resistance) / LP: 0 / SP: 1 / FP: 5
Reaction: 13 / Finesse: 19 / Intelligence: 2
Wisdom: 12 / Willpower: 33 / Strength: 25
Speed: 24 (24 feet per second, 12 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Earth, Stone, Blood
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Bone

Common Drops: Zombie's Bones, Zombie's Rags, Zombie Cadaver

Arm Block (0 FP Each): +1 defense on success. -1 EP per use until EP is gone or recovered by rest or other means.

Bite IX (0 FP Each): 9 damage on success against armor-less targets. Will spread the infection if successful.

Dig IV (1 FP Each): Digs its body height in a single turn.

Hold (1 FP Each): Attempts to hold an opponent or a part of their opponent so as to prevent offensive attack from that part while it is held. While held, unless an opponent is able to stalemate the hold or break free, additional attacks may be dealt afterward either by the one holding or by fellow companions and allies of the one holding. Reflexes vs. reflexes to see if hold succeeds. Strength vs. Strength for resisting and breaking free of hold if succeeds.

Kick II (0 FP Each): 2 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Punch II (0 FP Each): 2 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Roar II (0 FP Each): Roars to intimidate and call for reinforcements. If any are within 1 mile and sound is not dampened, more Basic Zombies will come to the aid of the one roaring. Check Willpower of opponent when used, if less than 5, -1 SP. May only be used once per combat per Basic Zombie to affect sanity, subsequent roaring does not affect sanity further.

Run (0 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Slash IV (0 FP Each): 8 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Tackle and Choke III (0 FP): 6 damage on success against armor-less targets. Attempts to knock an opponent down and choke the life out of them.

Walk (0 FP Each): Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

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