Sunday, June 23, 2013

Character Building: Yara Kren (Part 3):

The last couple days have been dealing with building a character according to the current character template sheets (skipping over the stats and attribute totals until the end). Today, we continue again. Yara Kren has a profession of Con Artist, so her starting funds will be higher than the standard (150 Gold Pieces and 50 Copper Pieces), instead at 200 Gold Pieces and 150 Copper Pieces. She will not have any Platinum Pieces to start with. Let's say she has random treasure she pinched and hasn't sold yet. I rolled up a White Pearl, worth 1 Gold Piece and 50 Copper Pieces. Fitting, seeing as her origins and skillsets make her ideal for maritime adventures even more than many other characters might be on Lenida. She didn't end up with any other treasure on the roll, so we'll just continue onward.

Now, for starting out, a character gets one weapon valued at 10 gold or less free, plus others if using some of the starter funds. In Yara's case, she'll have a 10 Gold Piece costing 3 Pound Ghostblade Cutlass. This weapon is an ethereal sword, directly attacking the 1 HP for every 2 damage to EP until EP is 0, then 2 HP each attack, in addition to the ability score per type of attack. Additionally, it can use a once-per-round attack dealing 1 SP, and has a 1d4 chance to avert self-damage and damage to aids and group members during a crit failure. Her second weapon is a 2 Gold Piece 1/2 Pound Simple Flintlock Pistol with 1 Gold Piece worth of 20 Shots and Powder, having a range of 5 movement squares of character accuracy, with a decrease of 2 accuracy for every additional movement square. Loading takes one turn and needs both hands, and firing takes another turn. The shots deal 4 damage to unarmored foes. She also carries her other weapon choices, which have roleplay uses as well. She has a 20 Copper Piece 1/2 Pound Simple Axe dealing 2 damage to unarmored foes, and cuts through or chops an inch of substances with a hardness less than 4 in a single blow. Additionally she also has a 15 Copper Piece 1 Pound Dagger Pair dealing 1 damage each to unarmored foes with a range of 3 movement squares of character accuracy, with a decrease of 2 accuracy for every additional movement square. They also cut through an inch of substances with a hardness less than 4 in 5 minutes. This takes her starting funds down to 197 Gold Pieces, and 115 Copper Pieces. This still leaves her with plenty to use toward the next slot, Carried Gear.

Her carried gear is equipment that Yara Kren may utilize for non-attack purposes, such as armor, general materials useful to roleplay and other non-treasure items. She carries a 1 Gold Piece 9 Pound 100 Foot Climbing Rope useful for holding her own weight as well as other items (up to 2500 pounds), a 15 Copper Piece 3 Pound Grappling Hook, a 15 Copper Piece 1 Pound Crowbar, a 50 Copper Piece Master Lockpicking Kit, 10 Copper 1/2 Pound Simple Backpack, a 25 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound Flint and Steel, a 15 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound Sharpening Stone, a 10 Copper Piece 1/2 Pound Folding Shovel, 15 Copper Piece 1 Pound Torch Oil, 10 Copper Piece 1/2 Pound Set of Ten 1-Hour Torches, 5 Copper Piece 1 Pound Refillable Water Jug, 100 Copper Piece 2 Pound Two Week Supply of Dry Food, 1 Gold Piece 2 Pound Durable Tent, 25 Copper Piece 2 Pound Pillow and Sleeping Bag, 15 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound Hand Mirror, 25 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound Six Caltrops, 10 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound 20 Marbles and Bag, 15 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound Collapsible Fishing Pole, 10 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound Fishing Kit, 5 Copper Piece Ink Well and Ink Pen, 15 Copper Piece 1/2 Pound Blank Book, 15 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound Ornate Gold Circlet (for her Psion conductive metal bonus), 70 [for 2] Copper Piece 1/2 Pound each Leather Pants, 50 [for 2] Copper Piece 1/2 each Pound Corset, 30 [for 2] Copper Piece 1/2 each Pound Simple Lingerie, 55 Copper Piece 2 Pound Heavy Coat, 35 Copper Piece 1/2 Pound Pair of Sturdy Boots, 10 Copper Piece 1/2 Pound Set of Ten Pairs of Socks, 10 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound Simple Goggles, 10 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound Leather Gloves, 20 Copper Piece 1 Pound Two Week Supply of Rat Food, 20 Copper Piece 1/2 Pound Two Week Supply of Parrot Food, and a 40 Copper Piece 2 Pound Two Week Supply of Horse Food. Having two sets of clothes to start with might not be much in terms of in case they get damaged or need cleaning, but she can always purchase more and keep them on her boat, carrying only one spare set to keep thing light. This takes her starting funds down to 192 Gold Pieces, and 70 Copper Pieces.

For roleplay abilities and combat abilities a character at Level 0 can have 6 abilities that are 1 FP each in addition to any given by species, race and class, and up to 6 abilities that are 0 FP each. If the character has a 2 FP ability, it counts as 2 abilities, a 3 FP ability counts as 3 abilities, and any beyond 3 FP at start must be for primary profession in order to gain it. Since she already has weaponry, we'll use 3 abilities toward being able to use them efficiently, as well as a few others fitting, and those given by her genetics and class:

Alchemy (0 FP): Utilizes half character alchemy knowledge, reaction, intelligence and wisdom as needed per the type of alchemical creation being made.

Arm Block (0 FP Each): +1 defense on success. -1 EP per use until EP is gone or recovered by rest or other means.

Appraisal (1 FP): Utilizes full character knowledge and observation about a piece to determine its value.

Empathy (1 FP): Attempt to read the emotions of an individual for 15 minutes or 3 turns, and push one emotional concept into them per ability use [Free Species Ability].

Climb (0 FP): Utilizes half character climbing knowledge, balance and strength to climb vertical surfaces.

Kick I (0 FP Each): 1 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Pick Lock (1 FP): Utilizes full character finesse in order to attempt to open a lock. [Free Rogue Ability]

Pick-Pocket (1 FP): Utilizes full character stealth in order to attempt to take something that does not belong to them that is visible or hidden directly on a person.

Punch I (0 FP Each): 1 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Slash (0 FP): A basic attack using a weapon with its weapon bonuses and 2 damage against unarmored foes.

Steal (1 FP): Utilizes full character stealth in order to attempt to take something that does not belong to them not directly on a person.

Telepathy (1 FP): Attempt to communicate with another individual mentally for 15 minutes or 3 turns, as well as read surface thoughts during this time, per ability use [Free Psion Ability].

Weapon Proficiency III (3 FP): Allows the use of primary, secondary and tertiary weaponry without added penalty when switching between them, so long as they either have the knowledge to utilize them, or they are Simple weapons.

That covers Yara Kren's combat and roleplay abilities and the entire third sheet. Tomorrow we'll cover her stats and attributes.

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