Thursday, June 27, 2013

System Mechanics: Motivator Traits:

As seen from the character building for Yara Kren, different character traits based on species, race, personality, profession, and class. The classes eventually will be a preset build of related traits and suggested abilities as the system does not require a set class to play. They are merely for aid in creating characters more quickly for new players. That said, let's delve into motivator traits of a character's personality:

A primary motivator is a reason for a character to start their journeys, and to continue to adventure over a prolonged period of time, sometimes in the case of players until their character dies.

Acquisitive characters get +1 to Appraisal Checks, looking for wealth or specific rare possessions.

Balancing characters get +1 to Reason Checks, trying to bring moderation to all things.

Creative characters get +1 to either Craft Checks or Performance Checks as designated at character creation by the player.

Competitive characters get +1 to FP, having more focus to use toward trying to get a leg up on others, especially against their rivals.

Curious characters get +1 to Observation, trying to explore and solve mysteries.

Destructive characters get -1 to HP, trying to destroy, annihilate, and ruin.

Dissonant characters get -1 to SP, trying to create confusion and discord.

Domineering characters get +1 to Intimidation Checks, trying to force others to do their bidding.

Empathizing characters get -1 to Morale, feeling the pain of others, wanting to feed, heal and protect them.

Family characters get -1 to Reflexes, trying to grow or regain their family.

Grasping characters get +1 to SP, seeking to understand more of the universe and specific knowledge (spiritual, scientific, magical, etc.)

Hedonistic characters get -1 to WIL, trying to experience all sensual things at the detriment of laziness.

Honor-Bound characters get +1 to Courage Checks, trying to stay brave, generous, honest and otherwise honorable in their eyes and the eyes of those they respect.

Leader characters get +1 to Charisma, trying to lead others and gain power.

Liberating characters get +1 to Morale, trying to free themselves or others from enslavement or things holding them back.

Organizing characters get +1 to Memory Checks, trying to keep things arranged to minimize chaos.

Peaceful characters get -1 to REA, trying to avoid conflict and other troubles, and thus be less adept at reacting when they can't avoid them.

Playful characters get +1 to HP, trying to enjoy life and have fun, seeming to be full of life.

Rebellious characters get -1 to EP, trying to act out against an individual or group in authority and trying to avoid bearing the annoyances or pains of following their rules.

Servitude characters get +1 to EP, bearing many things as they try to follow another individual or group that they trust.

Social-Climbing characters get +1 to Knowledge Checks on social things, trying to gain status, fame or approval of others.

Studious characters get +1 to Learning Checks, seeking enlightenment and information.

Tenacious characters get +1 to WIL, constantly pushing themselves, never backing down.

Torturous characters get -1 to Charisma Checks, trying to do damage to themselves or others.

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