Thursday, June 20, 2013

Design Feature: Character Sheet Templates:

For a few weeks now, playtesting of MaL has been going on, modifying some system mechanics, generating some new items, terrors, companions, abilities, and other interesting things, most of which have not been uploaded.  While offline yesterday I had ample time to review how the quickly made character templates looked and decided to make some more aesthetically pleasing ones that would be easy to print out.  When MaL has its eventual name-change and artists working with it, perhaps more flourished designs will be made, but for playtesting purposes these look much nicer than what we've been using.  If you would like a higher resolution copy of one of these sheets, just email me at

There are a few things about these sheets I'd like to go over in this post.  The first thing is the little notice at the bottom.  While Myths and Legends is not the final name for this system, Cracked Sky Games is the name of the games studio it will be published under regardless of its eventual rename.  MaL is not the only game that I intend to eventually put out under this studio, but it is the most ambitious one.  I am the only individual currently within CSG for now and for the foreseeable future, due to my projects being self-funded in minor monetary amount and moderate time investment.  That may change if others are interested in helping it grow, but I do not presently have any others confirmed to join, though some have expressed interest in the future.  Second, all of the sheets have both the player name and character name in the upper left corner (and sometimes the right as well).  This is because any player may have multiple characters and it is easier to sort the appropriate linked sheets if they specify both.  Third, there are several entries that fluctuate during gameplay regularly, like increases to Level, GXP, CXP, RXP, and so forth, and as such it is best to use pencil on the sheets for all but the player name and character name.  Fourth, the slot for illustrations on the first sheet and domicile sheet are intended to be for exactly that and as such are left blank, though they do not need to be filled in by the player.  They are intended for those that want to show that level of detail, as the physical description and notes sections respectively do list how a character looks.  Fifth, there are a LOT more entries listed on the sheets than previously mentioned on this blog, and very good reasons for them which will be gone over at a later time when examining each sheet individually.  There is, thankfully to lessen confusion, plenty of information on what each of the statistics and attributes links to appropriately.  Sixth, these sheets are subject to later change during playtesting!  They are for all intents and purposes currently up-to-date on what has been worked out from testing so far, but they may be modified further as needed.  Let me know if you have any questions or comments!

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