Sunday, June 30, 2013

System Mechanics: Humor and Sexuality Traits:

Some traits give bonuses that apply to all situations.  Others have very specific situations they apply to, and others are merely for roleplay reasons.  Some of those last type will be covered today, starting with Sense of Humor:

Sense of Humor
A character can have multiple types of humor they find amusing, the their primary one is the one that would be listed in traits.

Crude Humor characters love humor based on things considered inappropriate by most others, often based on bodily functions, profanity or the like.  This has no general bonus, but may cause some other individuals to dislike being around them.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Cruel Humor characters love seeing others in pain, finding it amusing.  Very few other characters like being around them, especially if they end up the butt of the jokes many times.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Cynical Humor characters love poking at any positive motivation statements and optimistic sayings and twisting them by adding on additional negative outcomes from the saying, eroding their value while making an amusing alteration.  Some other individuals find this annoying due to thinking the character is a pessimist regardless of their actual outlook, while others laugh it up with them.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Dark Humor is different than cynical humor or cruel humor in that it finds amusement in typically taboo things that are seen as disturbing, but not cruel or sarcastic about them.  Few balance at this instead of one of those other types, and few others really seem to get their sense of humor right off the bat.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Deadpan Humor characters love sarcasm as well as cynical humor characters, but specifically like humorous twists without a change in body language or visible emotion.  This may confuse other individuals, while others will smirk or outright laugh, especially if it is either unintentional or they get the joke and others do not.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Gleeful Humor characters love things that make them feel warm, humor that makes them feel good about themselves and the world in general.  Sometimes others see them as too peppy, but none can deny their energy is hard to resist.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Humorless characters have very few times they are amused, and when they are it is so inconsistent as to make it hard to classify them as being another type.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Jokey Humor characters love puns, wordplay, wit and other forms of humor that is mostly verbal.  Many individuals like this form of humor, especially at a young age, but more in moderation than constantly.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Prank Humor characters love tricking someone with a good prank or seeing a good prank executed that typically embarrassing the individual being the butt of the jokes.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Slapstick Humor characters love physical humor where the butt of the joke may get hit or injured, but never too terribly, more mock pain than anything serious, being less severe than cruel humor, and having more a sense of timing than the pain as the chief aspect of importance.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Surreal Humor characters love the absurdity of situations and schism between the bizarre and the expected.  This greatly amuses individuals with this sense of humor, with many individuals not understanding their humor.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Sexuality: Attraction
A character's sexuality can sometimes affect their relations with specific other individuals, such as those that they are attracted to, especially if the other individual is likewise attracted to them.  There also may be issues if they are seen as outside the cultural norm of their area.  They have no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Asexual characters do not seem to be attracted to other individuals sexually.

Bisexual characters are attracted to individuals of male and female genders.

Heterosexual characters are attracted to individuals of the opposite gender.

Homosexual characters are attracted to individuals of the same genders.

Pansexual characters are attracted to individuals of all genders.

Polysexual characters are attracted to individuals of more than two genders but not all genders.

Sexuality: Gender
Most characters of most species and races are born either male or female as those are the most common biologically normal genders, though some individuals may be born with different genetics or altered later in life intentionally by their choice, by others, or by accident.  Usually if it is unusual for a species or race they will stand out if they have not concealed their gender.  They have no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Female characters regardless of species are those that have ovulation, producing eggs for genetic matter.

Hermaphrodite characters are genetically capable of male and female biological functions.

Intersex characters may have genetic traits of male and females, but are incapable of one or both functions.

Male characters regardless of species are those that have spermatozoa, fertilizing eggs in females.

Non-Gendered characters for some reason do not have reproductive organs for any gender.

Transgender characters have had their appearance altered to be different from their original biological role.

Transexual characters make themselves appear to be different from their original biological role, but have had no physical changes to their gender.

Sexuality: Libido
A character's libido specifically deals with how intense their drive to have intercourse is, be it for romance, breeding, or pleasure in general.  Typically this is their standard libido that is chosen for their trait, but certain abilities or items might alter it temporarily.  They have no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Stagnant characters have almost no libido, not particularly having much drive for sexual relations unless initiated by another.

Healthy characters have a moderate sex drive, sometimes initiating relations, but sometimes having others initiate it.

Excessive characters have a very high sex drive, thinking about sex and initiating it regularly of their own accord.

Sexuality: Demeanor
The demeanor of an individual's sexuality specifically deals with how they act when they are interested in another individual for the purpose of expressing their sexuality with them, trying to charm them into joining them, or even sometimes just to tease them.  It deals with their expressiveness, style and openess to new things.  They have no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Brazen characters are direct and to the point about expressing their desires.

Flirty characters are teasingly expressive, testing the waters.

Modest characters are slow to express interest.

Crude characters fumble up their romantic attempts.

Seductive characters tease and ease into romance at their own pace, keeping others they are interested on their time-table.

Romantic characters do whatever they can to ease into romance at a pace comfortable to the others they are interested in and on those individuals' respective time-tables.

Closed characters are resistant to trying new things sexually.

Moderate characters are willing to try new things sexually, but aren't usually actively seeking them out.

Adventurous characters seek out new sexual experiences without much prodding from others.

Monogamous characters try to remain with only one sexual partner until they seperate.

Polyamorous characters will have multiple partners, but low in number and generally honest with their partners about having multiple ones.

Promiscuous characters have multiple partners if they even have one, and have sexual relations with many individuals easily, rarely being honest about how many they actually have due to social taboos.

Sexual Tastes:

Sexual tastes deals with things that arouse a character and may cause them to be more attached to another character giving them an experience with that paraphilia, or kink.  There are so many different ones it is impossible to list them all, but a good listing is found here (link).  Some individuals might be aroused to find out another individual shares the same kink, or they might be uncaring either way, or they might be judgmental, especially if it is against cultural norms or taboo.  They have no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

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