Wednesday, June 12, 2013

System Mechanics: Ability Modifiers

There are a lot of different types of abilities within the MaL RPG System, many of which are used for combat, and most of which are specific in their style of usage in terms of potency, range, shape and focus. Many are based on a longer-range beam, some on touch, some on area of effect, and some on a specified target. However, as a character levels up their abilities and knowledge, they are able to learn modifications of their abilities, improving them as they see fit. Multiple may be used together with different types of attacks for interesting twists, for example. For simplification, here are the ability modifiers:

Aura: Surrounds the individual targeted as a persistent effect.

Beam: Fires directly out in a sharp even focus of generally circular shape.

Blast: Fires directly out in a burst that splatters its effects on impact.

Chain: Links the targeted individual and nearby secondary targeted individuals that are not in a straight line or tight radius.

Radius: Targets all within the range of the area chosen with its effects at the same height level.

Ray: First a very tight focus circular effect that is generally mild.

Sphere: Targets all within range of the area chosen with its effects regardless of height level.

Targeted: Affects only the individual targeted with its effects.

Touch: Only affects that which is directly touched by the one using the ability within its duration.

Wall: A solid force of effects, usually used as a shield of sorts.

Wave: Spreads outward in wave pattern, shoving its effects forcefully without the focus of a beam or blast.

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