Friday, June 14, 2013

Zombies Ate My Party:

Zombies are a staple of many a work of fiction and many role playing games, with Myths and Legends proudly continues the tradition, albeit with different methods than are more commonly used.  Some rpgs deal with zombies as being caused by a spell reanimating the dead, and some works of fiction deal with some alien virus or other means of creating the change in the infected.  MaL zombies are caused by a microscopic parasite that spreads in bodily fluids which causes the body to alter itself so as to better suit the parasite's survival or reproductive needs.  They are resistant to attempts to heal, but are not raising those already dead.  There are many types of zombies, most basic being the standard zombie, which bites, chews flesh and eats fatty foods, especially those high with energy.  The frost zombies are a variant that is resistant to frost damage and may hibernate for stretches of time between eating.  The brute zombies are huge and highly muscular, needing a lot more energy to keep up their efficiency.  Also, there are the banshee zombies which are quick and prone to working in small packs , and an assortment of other varieties which may be found the more that an adventurer explores.  All species have a chance of being infected by the zombie parasite, whether sentient or not, but some are more prone to surviving it without being affected, unlike others.  If a Goblin gets infected they have a higher chance of being a carrier but exhibiting no outward signs after the initial illness.  If a Cubi gets infected they have a higher chance of being either a carrier or losing the parasite.  If a Human or Draconis Dragon-Kin gets infected they have a higher chance of turning.  If a Felinae gets infected they have a higher chance of dying from it instead of turning.  A Naiad has a high chance of losing the parasite, a Pixie has a high chance of being a carrier.  A Gitwerg or Centaur has equal chances to all possibilities.

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