Wednesday, May 1, 2013

System Mechanics: Elements and Starter Species

Within the many realms of Myths and Legends there are different aspects of play, the many mechanics and systems that allow the game its level of detail and focus, while not limiting the overall creative scope and scale from the smallest of hamlets upward to intergalactic empires and beyond.  One such system mechanic is the elements.  In our reality there is a chemical table of elements which show how different things are categorized and their properties.  These elements join to form compounds which comprise all matter in the universe.  This concept, however, rose not from the initial understanding of what each modern element was, but of the classical elements, the belief that everything was made up of properties that could be rearranged and combined to form new things.  Wood, for example, was considered by some to be made of Earth and Fire, since it would blaze if a small part was burned.  Today, we realize things aren't as simple as that, but within MaL the classical elements are part of the systems of magic and run alongside the systems of science to create strange and interesting results.  The classical elements within MaL are broken into three groups of four, the primary, secondary and tertiary elements. The primary elements are Fire, Water, Earth (Dirt and Plants), and Air (Sky and Wind).  The secondary elements are Ice, Metal, Lightning (also Electricity), and Stone.  The tertiary elements are Blood (also Organs), Bone (also Shell), Sand (also Dust), and Slime (also Ink).  All creatures within MaL have some strength and weakness associated with each of the three sets of elements, and their design was partially based on this.

Humans are associated most strongly with Fire, Metal and Blood.  This is because human fires forged both their expansion across their planets and the metal-worked necessary to do this, and the blood they shed to do so, both of their own and of other species.  This is not to say that other species do not also have similar origins in their expansionism, but that humans are associated strong with these elements than any others.  The weaknesses most strongly associated are Water, Ice, and Sand.  Water is strongly associated due to not only the constant need for quenching thirst, but because of the different areas of each planet, the depths of the oceans are usually the least explored and conquered areas, being the hardest for humans to control without some manner of self-destructive behavior such as pollution.  Ice is strongly associated due to the fervor humans have to use their fire so as not to freeze to death during the winter and their inability to simply hibernate through it, and how little of the polar caps is conquered.  Sand is associated due to its inhospitable properties, hot during the day, cold as night, letting precious water pour through it quickly, and being extremely difficult to survive in areas it is most prevalent such as deserts.  This is not to say that humans do not live near or on the ocean, in the frozen tundra or in deserts, but population-wise it is far less dense than areas that are not as harsh for survival.

Felinae are associated with Earth, Stone, and Blood.  Distant Felinae ancestors primarily used plants and caverns for survival purposes, camouflaging themselves from prey and weathering out storms in dens, and blood is strongest of the tertiary elements because of their mostly carnivore nature.  Felinae carry on most of these traits and as such also carry on the elemental influences.  Their weaknesses are Air, Lightning and Bone.  This is due to their hatred of storms and quick hurry to seek shelter, and their initial reaction to fight or flee, rather than build up stronger defenses so they don't have to fight as hard.  The mentality is lessened when many are working together, especially when aided by other species, but it is something to be considered, with the cocky attitude many Felinae have and their overconfidence.

Draconis Dragon-Kin are strongly associated with Air, Stone and Bone.  Most can fly when their wings have matured, and their tendency to build castles, rookeries, and general fortified homes, and the toughness of their thick scaled hides.  Their weaknesses are Earth, Lightning and Sand.  This is due to their much slower speed while on the ground, the rapid speed of lightning and associated attacks, and how their footing is more easily disrupted while on sand due to their weight being harder to balance if the ground shifts such as sand does.

Centaurs are associated with Earth, Metal and Sand.  Centaurs primarily live on plains and other areas where they have ample room to run for exercise and in case of danger, utilize metalworking to improve their offensive and defensive capabilities, and many live in deserts for the room to run outside of their oasis cities, and the amount of dust that a tribe of centaurs kicks up behind them as they run.  Their weaknesses are Water, Ice and Slime.  Centaurs weigh a decent amount despite their speed on land, and as such have difficulty moving quickly through deep water, their movement deeply hindered by snow and ice, and slime-covered roads or pits of it may make a centaur slip and fall, or become stuck, struggling to free themselves.

Gitwerg are associated with Fire, Stone and Bone.  The Gitwerg live underground primarily, their fires used to forge tools used to expand their cities through sold rock, and their tough exterior and defenses are remarkable for their size without being as slow as that of Draconis Dragon-Kin.  Their weaknesses are Air, Lightning and Blood.  The Gitwerg have a fear of wide-open spaces and a need for air quality deep in their cities, most of their tools and machinery being highly conductive as is much of the ores surrounding their cities, and their weakness against many surface diseases they haven't been exposed to which may be commonplace in the world above them.

Goblins are associated with Earth, Stone and Slime.  Goblins live close to the ground, or under it, as well as their other cultural links to the ground and stone, but due to their filthy habits and polluting technology on the average, they are also linked to slime, and utilize the muck they create for a multitude of purposes, including traps for other species utilizing sludge, some of it flammable, toxic, or both.  Their weaknesses are Water, Ice and Sand.  Goblins rarely live in cold climates or on the ocean, tending to be wary of being overwhelmed by other species such as Naiads that can influence the surroundings more than they can, and while some do live in or near deserts, they prefer lush areas to grow crops, not wanting to rely on others for survival, taking what they need.

Naiads are associated with Water, Ice and Bone.  They are made of and live in water, and some prefer cold climates inhospitable to most species due to the purity of the water, and their use of the discarded shells and bones of some aquatic creatures for parts of their technology.  They are weak against Fire, Lightning and Slime.  Being creatures mostly made of water, Naiads can boil away if heated up too much, be stunned if they are unable to disperse an electrical current jolting them, and have to keep their waters pure to prevent mutation, disease and injury.  They do have to use some heat when around ice to keep from freezing solid, but they are much more easily able to regulate that than having excess heat applied and lessening it.

Pixies are associated with Air, Lightning and Sand.  Pixies are able to fly and move around quickly, reacting rapidly and usually sensing lightning before it is about to strike even if they aren't the cause of it, and due to the weather-related spells that many use, they are also associated with Sand/Dust due to being able to blow them back and how they love to turn sand into glass for shiny baubles.  They are weak against Fire, Ice, and Slime.  Pixies aren't able to fly if they are too tired from heat or cold or their bodies damaged from exposure to either.  Additionally, they usually aren't strong enough to pull themselves free from sticky traps and the like without serious damage.

Cubi are associated with Fire, Ice and Blood.  Being infernal in nature, Cubi have strong influence over elements closely linked to their nature.  Their bodies are cold around their genitals but almost burning away from them, their bodies designed for potential seduction for reproductive or distraction purposes.  They are weak against Air, Metal and Bone.  Due to their genetic makeup, Cubi tend to have a harder time breathing if there isn't a slightly higher amount of sulfur in the air than is pleasant for most other species, their bodies mostly soft despite their strength, giving little defense against weapons.

There are many other species in MaL, but as these nine are the starter species this details their elemental influences, and more will come later as they are added.

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