Monday, July 1, 2013

System Mechanics: Quirk Traits:

This is the 100th post to this dev blog!  That said, let's get into more traits.  For roleplay reasons, most individual quirks usually have no general bonus, but some may have a specific bonus depending on the type.

Quirks are oddities about an individual that bring personality to roleplay, things that happen regularly which may make them endearing or annoying.  They can affect small decisions as per the GM's choices for creatures and NPCs, such as if a character's whistling to get a creatures attention distracts it enough for another character to land an attack.

Addict characters are addicted to a substance and have -3 WIL to resist using it specifically and -1 WIL in general.

Animal Hater characters have -1 Charisma with animals of all types, and -3 with a specified animal.

Animal Lover characters have +1 Charisma with all animals and +3 with a specified animal, as well as having -1 WIL to resist helping, collecting or buying animals and +2 Success on taming animals.

Apologetic characters regularly apologize, even if they didn't do anything wrong.  Some find this attractive, while many find it annoying.  This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Belching characters regularly burp, and many individuals find this unattractive, though due to some cultural norms some may find this attractive instead.  This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Chewing characters regularly chew on gum, sticks, small bones, ice or other easily crushed things, having an oral fixation on it.  Most find this unattractive, but others might like this.  This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Coin Flipping characters regularly flip a coin even if not wagering on something.  They may do this merely out of boredom or for making decisions in their life.  This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Collector characters tend to find and keep many things, some of which others find unusual or odd.  This does give them +1 to appraisal of the type of thing they collect, but -1 WIL to resisting purchasing something that is of the type of thing they collect.  Players should preface this trait with the type of things collected, such as Famous Hair Collector or Signature Collector.

Compulsive Liar characters lie regularly even without necessary trying to.  +2 to Lying Checks, but -2 to Charisma Checks to any who find out about this trait even if they aren't lying to them.

Constantly Grooming characters are obsessively grooming themselves, gaining +1 Beauty, but some other individuals may find this annoying.

Dancing characters love to dance about when they are bored or feel giddy.  This can make them seem childish or charming depending on their skill with dancing and the situation.  +1 to Dance Checks.

Daydreamer characters space out, their minds drifting when bored, finding it harder to concentrate, but usually are more creative as a result.  -1 to Learning Checks, +1 to Performance Check of choice.

Echo characters regularly repeat what others have said, either intentionally to anger them, or just out of social awkwardness.  This usually gives -2 Charisma unless during a humorous performance.

Exagerating Characters regularly stretch the truth, giving them +1 to Lying Checks and +1 Charisma, except to those that find this trait annoying.

Exhibitionist characters have no problem with nudity in public and sometimes may even be turned on by it.  This can make them have +1 Charisma to individuals where it is normal or a minor taboo and -1 Charisma to those belonging to a culture where it is severely taboo.

Eavesdropping characters

Facial Tic characters have muscle spasms beneath the skin, especially if nervous or lying, making them have -1 Charisma and -1 to Lying Checks.

Fingernail Biting characters are nervous often and bite their nails as a result.  Some may find this endearing while others find this unattractive.  This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Foot Tapping characters regularly tap their feet out of nervousness or boredom.  Some may find this endearing while others find this unattractive.  This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Hair Pulling characters are nervous often or angry and pull their hair as a result.  Some may find this endearing while others find this unattractive.  This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Hair Stroking characters stroke their beard or other hair regularly, especially if puzzled about something.  This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Humming characters hum for a multitude of reasons, especially when they feel pleased or puzzled about something.  This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Insomnia characters have 1d4 chance of waking up in the middle of the night and needing to go back to sleep to fully recover. Rarely sleeps easily through the entire night. May sometimes find interesting things afoot while others are sleeping, however.

Kleptomaniac characters constantly steal things, having +1 to Steal and +1 to Pick-Pocket Successes, but -2 to Charisma if found out even if not stealing at the moment.

Knuckle-Cracking characters regularly crack their knuckles out of boredom or to loosen up.  This gives them +1 to Intimidation Checks and +1 to Accuracy Checks on small manipulations such as instruments, locks, etc.  Some find this unattractive while others like this trait.

Lip Biting characters bite their lips when nervous or thinking, gaining +1 to Charisma if an individual finds that attractive.

Lip Licking characters lick their lips if pleased with themselves or a situation, or turned on, gaining +1 to Charisma if an individual finds that attractive.

Mumbling characters regularly mumble, sometimes saying anything they are thinking aloud, giving them -1 to Stealth.

Name Dropping characters regularly try to use their personal knowledge of famous or otherwise specific people to their advantage whether they know them or not, depending on their honesty.  They may be seen as more attractive if they do know someone, gaining +2 Charisma, or less attractive if they do not, gaining -2 Charisma.  This is per individual person's name and reference being used per individual it is used on.  Some individuals don't care either way, gaining no change.

Nose-Picker characters are regularly seen as less attractive having -2 to Charisma, but +2 to Infection Resistance.

Pacing characters tend to move about in circles or back and forth when puzzling over something or nervous.  This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Recites characters regularly recite poetry or repeat quotes, being charming to those that find this trait attractive.  This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Self-Injury characters deal pain to themselves regularly, having -1 HP from their current per day, but +1 EP current per day, up to their max, even if they haven't fully rested.

Sharpening characters constantly sharpen their bladed weaponry, keeping them honed for maximum damage.  As a result, their bladed weapons wear down faster having as 1d20 chance of breaking instead of 1d100, but deal +1 more damage every use.

Singing Voice characters love to sing, especially while in a good mood, and get +1 to Singing Performance Checks.

Sleeps Oddly characters sleep in either an unusual place or unusual pose regularly, keeping their FP and EP regain rates regardless of sleep conditions if it is a fully restful sleep, taking no penalty, but are looked on as bizarre for this trait.

Sleeptalker characters mumble or talk in their sleep, finding 1d20 chance of offending someone else hearing them talk in their sleep, and 1d20 chance of endearing themselves to them.

Sleepwalking characters move about in their sleep and tend to find themselves 1d100 worth of movement squares away  from where they went to bed unless they are prevented somehow.  This can make them lost when they awaken if they don't know the area, and bring them to interesting new finds if they haven't already searched the area they ended up in before bed.  They also have a 1d4 chance of being awoken by injury if no one helps them, and a 1d20 chance of a creature or other individual interrupting their walk if they do not have others with them to keep them safe.

Smelling characters regularly smell bad, not caring much for hygiene, having -1 Charisma in any culture this is considered taboo within.

Snacker characters eat food constantly to satiate their cravings.  This may cause them to go through food more regularly, but they usually don't leave any crumbs behind.  This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Sniffing characters regularly sniff to either try to fix an annoyance with their nose or to try to pick up a scent.  This may be seen as unattractive to some individuals, with few individuals finding this attractive.  This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Snoring characters have difficulty sleeping silently and are often a bother to other characters when they are trying to sleep, though some sleep soundly and easily enough as to not care.  Some snoring characters do not even know or believe that they snore.  This also makes it difficult to sleep in stealth situations due to their noise.  1d4 chance of a character or creature in the area inspecting the noise if others do not keep them away.

Stuttering characters regularly have difficulty speaking, especially to members of the genders they are most attracted to.  This may endear them, or cause others annoyance.  This also gives -2 Success to Verbal Spells.

Substance User characters regularly use a substance that they are not addicted to.  Depending on taboos and the culture of others characters, this may be seen as attractive or unattractive.  This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Superstitious characters are afraid of what they perceive causes bad luck, and regularly try to counter it.  As a result, they get -1 LP for anything they perceive as bad luck due to their culture and added superstitious, but +1 LP for anything perceived as bringing good luck.  This is in addition to the LP changes due to karma choices.

Tabulating characters constantly count everything, money being the most common.  As a result, they may be an annoyance at times, but are great at keeping stock of inventory and ensuring maximum retention of funds and items when dealing with shopkeepers and traders that do not have a hatred of tabulating characters.  They also count much more than money and inventory items, making them sometimes bad at stealth or bad at lying if they either count aloud or their lips move while doing so.  +1d4 chance of improving a Haggle against shopkeepers and traders without a hatred of tabulating characters.

Teeth Picker characters constantly pick their teeth, keeping them clean of food.  Some individuals may find this offensive if done in public due to their cultural norms.  This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Teeth Sucking characters are nervous often or lost in thought and may suck on their teeth, making noise as a result.  Most find this annoying and unattractive giving -1 to Charisma.

Toucher characters excessively touch others, sometimes to annoyance even if it isn't in a sexual manner.  This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Tree Climbing characters regularly climb trees for no reason other than to do it, and gain +1 REA

Walks Backwards characters can walk backwards easily and often do despite or sometimes because it infuriates some others, taking no penalty for backwards movements and having +1 REA.

Whistler characters whistle for a multitude of reasons, especially when they feel pleased about something or to get the attention of another individual or creature.  This can be helpful or harmful as it brings attention to the character.  This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

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