Monday, September 30, 2013

Abilities: Low-Level Elemental Touch Spells:

Alright, so now that we've got the ability system in place for proper listings, let's go over some low-level elemental touch spells.

Fiery Touch (1 FP/5 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/5 INT)(Any Magic Source/1 Range/Touch, Fire): The user of this ability creates heat where their fingertips touch, setting the spot on fire.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it causes 2 damage if successful.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Watery Touch (1 FP/5 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/5 INT)(Any Magic Source/1 Range/Touch, Water): The user of this ability condenses humidity where their fingertips touch, drawing moisture out of the nearby area to form water.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it causes 2 damage if successful by drawing it out of the foe.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Green Touch (1 FP/5 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/5 INT)(Any Magic Source/1 Range/Touch, Plant): The user of this ability causes plants to stretch toward a location their fingertips touch.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it may entangle a foe.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Wind Touch (1 FP/5 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/5 INT)(Any Magic Source/1 Range/Touch, Air): The user of this ability causes the air in an area to blow forcefully toward a location their fingertips touch.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it causes 2 damage if successful.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Frost Touch (1 FP/5 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/5 INT)(Any Magic Source/1 Range/Touch, Ice): The user of this ability causes the heat to come out of the location their fingertips touch, freezing it.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it causes 2 damage if successful.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Metal Touch (1 FP/5 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/5 INT)(Any Magic Source/1 Range/Touch, Metal): The user of this ability causes metal to bend where their fingertips touch, deflecting it from its path and the like.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it causes 2 EP damage to metal.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Electric Touch (1 FP/5 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/5 INT)(Any Magic Source/1 Range/Touch, Electric): The user of this ability causes static electricity to gather and create a shocking jolt where their fingertips touch.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it causes 2 damage if successful.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Stone Touch (1 FP/5 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/5 INT)(Any Magic Source/1 Range/Touch, Stone): The user of this ability causes stone to crack and create small handholds where their fingertips touch.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it causes 2 EP damage to stone if successful.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Blood Touch (1 FP/5 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/5 INT)(Any Magic Source/1 Range/Touch, Blood): The user of this ability causes blood to come from nearby sources to the location their fingertips touch through the path of least resistance.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it causes 2 damage if successful.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Sandy Touch (1 FP/5 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/5 INT)(Any Magic Source/1 Range/Touch, Sand/Dust): The user of this ability causes sand and dust to stir up and move to the location touched by their fingertips.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it causes a -2 FIN penalty to any trying to strike them if successful.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Bone Touch (1 FP/5 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/5 INT)(Any Magic Source/1 Range/Touch, Bone): The user of this ability causes bones to crack close to where their fingertips touch.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it causes 2 damage if successful.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Slime Touch (1 FP/5 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/5 INT)(Any Magic Source/1 Range/Touch, Slime/Ink): The user of this ability causes any slime or ink in the area to gather where their fingertips touch.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it causes -2 FIN penalty to any blinded by or standing on the slime or ink if successful.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Of the various abilities listed above, some are more obviously suited to combat than others in a wider range of use, while some are better suited to non-combat uses while having only a touch modifier, and others still are incredibly useful regardless of whether used in combat or outside it. Fiery touch is useful for lighting many torches, watery touch to gather something to drink, metal touch to possibly damage locks for breaking and entering, stone touch for climbing, slime touch for setting traps, and so forth.  The possibilities for play with them are multitude even at so low a level and so limited in range.  It all depends on how creative the players and GM are with how they can be used.

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