Sunday, September 8, 2013

Obana Village: The Blue Hen Tavern And Inn

Obana Village, while a tightly knit local population, is not devoid of weary travelers visiting it either in passing to take a ship out to sea or for visiting relatives or those merely wandering and finding the town amicable to spend the night in. To that end Captain Harge Kronin, formerly of the Great Suarn Empire's Imperial Fleet, chose to spend his retirement package not only on his collection of glass eyeballs to wear in lieu of the one he lost, but also to settle down in the town he was born in, and buy a failing tavern. After renovating it and expanding it to also include rooms for rent, he christened its "The Blue Hen Tavern and Inn". After marrying one of his patrons for many years the two had a daughter, Iljaka Kronin, who now works there as well, though her mother passed away years ago. The draught beer, wine and other beverages they sell are of fair quality to the cost, and the food is always fresh and filling. Entertainers rent a corner with a portion of their tip or by bringing new recipes for him to test out to steadily improve the menu. Iljaka has a few suitors, some of which also work at the tavern, but none have won her hand or her heart.

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