Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Item: Crimson Guitaxe of Furious Fingers:

Furious Fingers was a famous bard known for traveling with a band of adventurers who almost all were bardically trained to some degree as well.  Furious Fingers sang, wrote music and lyrics, played guitar, played piano and a few other instruments, even constructed some instruments and other musical items both magical and mundane.  In addition to the speed he could play instruments, he also was known for his temper, hence his moniker.  Very few know his true name, and some claim that those who do are able to make additional use from the items he made due to a secret enchantment placed on each item.  While not all of the items created by him did, this is one with such a hidden extra enchantment.

Item: Crimson Guitaxe of Furious Fingers (7 Pounds) (Mythical) (Marvelous) (335 Platinum Pieces) (8 Toughness) (9 EP) (Phrase Activation, Enhancement Bonuses):  This guitar has a very sharp blade coming out of one side of it, and is light-weight, but very durable, allowing it to be used both as an instrument and a battleaxe.  It has changed hands over the years and occasionally appeared at auction or temporarily in the hands of famous bards, but has not been seen in many years.  Some say that there was only one ever made, while others claim that due to the distance and timing of its past appearances that there must be anywhere from three to six of them, or perhaps even more hidden away somewhere.  The Crimson Guitaxe has three known powers:

1) +3 Bonus to Stringed Instrument Perform Checks.
2) +3 Bonus to Alertness for all within range of hearing while playing.
3) +2 Bonus to Improvised Weapon Check after three days without change in ownership.

It also has two hidden enchantments for those who learn Furious Fingers truename:

1) +5 Bonus to Charisma while the owner is within range of the Crimson Guitaxe.
2) +3 Bonus to Seduction Check for those not repulsed by Bards.

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