Thursday, September 5, 2013

Atlas Galactica: Planet Lenida:

As most are aware, even the most vast of RPG systems allowing multiple planets, dimensions, timelines and realms are still tested within one smaller aspect for finding balancing issues and other problems and working out how to solve them.  To that end, MaL has been and is being tested with Planet Lenida, specifically the northern portion of Adslein, which has been mentioned in the blog before.  However, no map or depiction of it has been shown before, until now.

Planet Lenida 
There are several continents and islands on this mostly water planet, some of which will be covered in more detail the further along playtesting goes and the closer MaL is for release, with Planet Lenida as one of the starting planets for pre-made campaigns.  The dashed lines are where each continental rise terminates to meet the ocean floor, as well as the territorial waters of that continent or island.  Due to the high amount of water to land mass ratio, the vast majority of civilizations on it are at steam technology or higher, allowing them to traverse the oceans with relative ease.  There are other civilizations, mostly small or highly secretive, that have less technology, or may be isolationist and have more.  The playtesters have thus far been only in a small part of Adslein, center of the Great Suarn Empire, from which the Glacias Draconis Dragon-Kin hold the most power with the strongest navy and largest non-barren landmass.  Their diplomatic relations with the empires ran primarily by the other Draconis Dragon-Kin races is tenuous at best, with Siktar being the seat of power for the Aduron, and Hokare belonging to the Wrende and Ventun primarily.  The Gitwerg mostly rule their empire from Kor, with dotted fortified islands spread across the oceans too small to see from orbit, with the underground passages between them being much more populated than their surface strongholds.  The Goblins primarily live on the ocean on artificial islands and underground, but the leadership of their Federation is in Avende.  The Centaurs after a long history of slavery have taken Bythatrum as a home, settling in with the protected human population there.  The humans have mostly protected colonies on the various continents and islands, but no truly significant political or military power.  The Felinae too have no significant political or military power, though they do not have a protected status on their colonies and tend to be harder to find for their own protection.  The Naiads, being non-native to this planet, are beginning to settle in the ocean Southeast of Adslein.  The Cubi, also being non-native, mostly live in their merchant fleet, though some dotted islands are also in their control.  The Pixies, also non-native, go wherever they feel like it, taking up too little space for any significant attempt to keep them from settling once they choose a home.  The other continents and islands have not been well explored due to so few returning from attempting to chart them, though enough have traveled around them to map out their general shape and size.  Who knows what will await adventurers who brave the mysterious shores of The Frozen North, The Southern Silence, Lucorene, Rhydarcus, Tesaria, Espus, Osenged, Grechi and Niljaka?

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