Friday, September 6, 2013

Population Center: Obana Village:

Welcome to wonderful Obana Village, a peaceful seaside town nestled on the northern edge of the Adslein continent, which is the center of the Great Suarn Empire.  A quarter of the unfrozen land and oceans on Lenida are under the Great Suarn Empire's control, held firmly by its large navy and the strength of its troops.  Obana Village is primarily populated with Glacias Draconis Dragon-Kin residents, being a moderately sized village, and therefore less apt to go out of its way to accommodate the catering of foreigners wishing to settle there, and due to its heavily labor-driven job market there aren't many new positions open for newcomers unless they can afford to create them.  It's a quiet town, mostly.  The Guard have a fort on one of the buttes that dot the landscape, training atop its surface and in the forest below, though even their drills are relatively segregated from the blanket of calm in most of Obana Village.  There are a couple of wizards in town, as well as some psions and tinkerers who make their living from their skills, but most are less gifted in such things, resigning themselves to be carpenters, lumberjacks, farmers, fishermen, miners, butchers, and the like.  There also is a sheriff and his jail, a harbor master with his docks and lighthouse, an aspiring poet postman, a sculptor, The Blue Hen Tavern and Inn, and the supposedly haunted Jarken Manor which has laid abandoned for a couple decades.  Few adventurers had come from this town in recent history, but some have risen up after a mysterious object crashed on it shores, with strange creatures abducting not only four of the Guard, but the heir apparent Prince and his fiance, a blind prophetess and acolyte to The Church of the Golden Claw.  Here many playtesters have begun their journeys...

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