Sunday, September 15, 2013

System Mechanics: Sustenance:

Every living creature must consume some form of sustenance, most in both liquid and solid forms, such as food and water.  The same applies to the sentients and other creatures in MaL, with benefits and consequences depending on the type, amount and effects of the items consumed.  Every creature's sustenance is determined by its species, and how many points it takes to have adequate nutrition.  When a creature's sustenance is full but not over-filled, then they regain their health and endurance at the normal rates.  If it is less than full they regain it at a lower rate scaling down as their sustenance drops lower.  Every species can consume certain substances from their normal diet, and can consume others outside it for added benefit, no benefit, or consequences.  For example, a Naiad consuming its normal diet has no added benefit, but consuming rice or other foods that absorb moisture they feel weaker, whereas things heavily saturated in liquids that aren't tainted by chemicals will feel better, possibly more than normal if the item consumed has an effect.  As different species consume different things, it is helpful to have an easy way to differentiate the food they can have, as seen in the list below:

White: Purified, free of any contaminants natural or otherwise.
Black: Tainted, containing rot or disease.
Purple: Tainted, containing poisons.
Yellow: Acidic.
Orange: Protein.
Red: Hot.
Green: Carbs.
Blue: Cold.
Brown: Alkaline.
Light Brown: Fatty.
Dark Gray: Metal.
Light Gray: Salty.
Light Yellow: Sour.
Pink: Sweet.
Light Orange: Spicy.
Light Purple: Bitter.
Light Green: Umami.
Light Blue: Liquid.
Cyan: Hard or Crunchy.
Magenta: Soft.

For a particular type of consumable sustenance, its details would include at the end a listing of its traits, such as below:

Item: Item Name (Weight) (Rarity) (Quality) (Value) (Toughness) (EP) (Aspects): Description. [Sustenance points; Details of taste with quantity amount between 1 and 20]

If a creature has the item as part of their regular diet, then they get 1 extra sustenance point for consuming the item.  If it is outside the degree of their tolerable taste they get -1 sustenance point, and if inedible to them then they are unable to eat it without taking 1 EP damage at minimum per 3 sustenance points, and if no EP remains, then 1 HP damage per 3 sustenance points.

As a player chooses their food they may select what to eat within a day and when, or if the GM permits, they may simply expend an amount of CP per day while in a town to automatically find enough food for the day and to the distance of their travels if they are uninterrupted and know the number of days to their destination.  However, this will cost the CP and more time of the character's day for not only finding their food and drink to consuming both, but also due to GM discretion on difficulties getting their sustenance within a timely manner.  In the wilderness, or even in some civilized areas, one may also use their skills at tracking, hunting, identifying edible food and water, and gathering to be able to find their meals, though they might be poor to taste, such as an ill-prepared knight having to consume insects and hearty weeds for some of their sustenance on a long journey.  If something has rot, disease or poison, a GM may either have it planned out already what it is and its effects, or choose from dice roll or discretion as fits the situation.

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