Monday, September 23, 2013

The Ascended Isles of Serseki:

Serseki is a realm filled with islands floating above an eternal maelstrom, its winds tearing everything that enters it into shreds at the same time as its powerful lightning constantly jumping within the clouds has the potential to strike whatever enters as well.  It is a realm of contrast, as above the maelstrom the skies and very air are filled with positive energy, revitalizing visitors to it at twice their normal recovery rate.  While some of the islands may provide safe haven to those that find their way there for a short time, the realm is not uninhabited.  Its denizens are the Hundki, ascended entities of pure energy who have pledged non-interference and devoted themselves to understanding the universe, though some have exiled themselves so they may prevent those in the other realms from destroying each other entirely.  The Hundki may look like whatever they wish, though usually the form of their previous mortality is chosen, only clothed in white and glowing.  There are a few Hundki who have, from time to time, been captured by incredibly powerful spellcasters, psions or others with vast power and corrupted, though this is rare.  Throughout the realms, some of the Hundki's path to ascension have been spread by those who worked to achieve it, and by those who have exiled themselves as well.

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