Monday, September 2, 2013

System Mechanics: Bardic and Tumbler Play Styles:

Since the Warlock was added to show the addition of Leech Magic to the system mechanics under the Caster character archetype, it seemed only fitting that an additional play style was shown for the Fighter and Strategist play styles.  MaL is still classless in limitations, but as some individuals like to have a structured template to start with, let's look at the Bard and Tumbler:

The Bard is a strategist that relies primarily on their sense of timing, bluff and manipulation to distract, boost teammates and allies or attack.  While they may learn some true magic to further their development, most of what they know is more stage magic, illusion through deception, utilizing an enemy's weaknesses against them.  They are also able to boost the morale of allies through their performance and tend to be charming and well liked by the general populous and as diplomats.  Due to how much they draw attention to themselves, they work great as a distraction against enemies while still being quite capable of fighting on their own, relying mostly on strategy than outright force.

The Tumbler is a fighter, an acrobatic character who is a martial artist or street fighter that is agile and able to strike quickly and rush to get out of range.  Unlike the Rogue they don't tend to concentrate on stealth so much as landing blows quickly and dodging what comes their way, preferring to use their body as both a weapon and a defense, rather than relying on heavy armor that limits their movement.  While they may focus on unarmed combat primarily, as they level up they tend to focus their development toward more precise strikes and adding effects to their attack based on where their blows land, or adding in weapons such as tonfa, or some forms of magic.

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