Sunday, September 29, 2013

System Mechanics: Leveling Revisited, Threat Levels and Tiered XP Rewards:

One of the most basic system mechanics of MaL was missing from it for quite a while without my realization due to the manner in which playtesting has thus far happened.  Simply put, the mechanic in question helps a GM determine what sort of encounters to give players, as well as how much experience to give for them.  Because I set up the scenarios ahead of time with a plan for what monsters would be in an area, despite the amount of improv I used, the monsters themselves were chosen for low-level players intentionally, not by rolling to determine, and not from the perspective of someone who doesn't know how they rate against low-level players.  Once this mechanic's absence was pointed out to me, I started working on how to apply it best, as well as how to resolve the changes to leveling that it would require.  Thankfully, the leveling system itself shown on the dev blog didn't detail all of the possible choices being tested, so let's look at where the dev blog had things first.  CXP is gained from using combat-related abilities, RXP is gained from using non-combat abilities, and GXP is gained from using any ability.  CXP may only be used to level up combat abilities, RXP for non-combat abilities, and GXP for either, or for leveling up Stats and Attributes directly during training and studying.  Previously, a character's level was determined solely by the averaging of Stats and Attributes.  After consideration toward matching the challenge of enemies to one's level, I've altered that, as some enemies may have low stats or attributes but still be quite dangerous, while others might be very difficult to kill, but almost harmless in their attacks.  Clearly this wouldn't make any sense to leave as it was, due to the wide range of imbalanced situations.  Instead, I've come up with a new method:

Character/Creature/Terror Level = (((Stats + Attributes)/12) + (Mobility Score) + (Averaged Damage Dealing))/10.

Mobility Score = (Range + Speed + Travel Types Sum [1 = Stationary, 2 = Ground-Based, 3 = Swimming, 4 = Flight, 5 = Teleporting.  Add together any applicable.])/3

Averaged Damage Dealing = (Sum Total of Damage-Dealing Abilities Damage Amounts)/Sum Total of Number of Damage-Dealing Abilities.

One that had a Stats + Attributes total of 48 divided by 12 to be 4, Mobility of 6, and Average Damage Dealing of 12 would have a total of 22 before being divided up, putting them at 2.2.  As this always rounds down rather than up, the player or creature would be a level 2.  The reason for having low-level numbers compared to other RPGs that let players 'ding' faster is to make it a sense of accomplishment as well as allow it to feel more rewarding in terms of a player's character being able to do so many more things by the time they reach the next level that they have earned their level and the accompanying threat level of terrors they face.  Additionally, due to the massive number of possible abilities one could learn, this makes it more obvious who has put the effort in and possibly ascended to wrestle with higher powered beings themselves.  Additionally, the higher one's level is, the more likely that they've grown their renown as well along the way, making others recognize the danger that they may pose if angered.

One could theoretically keep adding on ability after ability that are all combat-related but not level any up and put themselves lower with a level score, but as prerequisite knowledge would be required in order to gain those abilities, or other abilities before them.  In order to counter this, level scores can only stagnate, not go down.  If someone has averaged out their score to be lower than their level, they won't level up until they've raised the average up again.  This allows some players the ability to spread out and learn a lot of different abilities without raising the amount of troubles they will face at higher levels if unprepared, but at the same time a GM would most likely not give them much of a challenging encounter as a result.  Generally, if one character is facing another, their threat level is their normal level, but if facing more foes, the threat level increases as the sum of the different leveled foes.  Having allies, companions, mercenaries and teammates at your side may raise the level of the party to be able to take on harder foes, but it is suggested to not go more than two levels higher than the party's level for the safety of its members.  The minimum payout of experience for a successful combat round is determined by the threat level in comparison to the player or party's level.  If a player or party is equal level to the threat level of their foes, they get the exact amount of XP given by that tier, plus the random XP gained from using abilities and GM discretion.  If their levels were higher, they get a percentage of the XP, with each player's percentage being compared, as lower-leveled players would learn more from the encounter than those that have faced something of that threat level frequently.  Those that face higher than their level would be given bonus XP multipliers.

-10 Tier: - 100% of XP.  This would gain rewards, but no XP save that from using abilities and GM discretion.
-9 Tier: - 90% of XP
-8 Tier: -80% of XP
-7 Tier: -70% of XP
-6 Tier: -60% of XP
-5 Tier: -50% of XP
-4 Tier: -40% of XP
-3 Tier: -30 of XP
-2 Tier: -20% of XP
-1 Tier: -10% of XP
= Tier: 100% of XP
+1 Tier: 110% of XP
+2 Tier: 120% of XP
+3 Tier: 130% of XP
+4 Tier: 140% of XP
+5 Tier: 150% of XP
+6 Tier: 160% of XP
+7 Tier: 170% of XP
+8 Tier: 180% of XP
+9 Tier: 190% of XP
+10 Tier: 200% of XP

Technically the tier scale can go even higher in the positive direction, but it is mere extrapolation and highly unlikely to be utilized due to the sheer overwhelming odds and masterful skill needed to with with so much of a disadvantage in those situations.

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