Wednesday, September 4, 2013

System Mechanics: Religious Types:

In MaL there are many different types of religious beliefs, many of which tie directly into Soul Magic and where the source of an acolyte or other practitioner's power.  As the system is designed to work across the expanse of space and time, many different higher beings may have followers in some sectors of space and domain over certain elements or physics or other matters, sharing a pantheon with other higher beings, or they might be the sole higher being in an area, or might claim to be the sole one depending on how much feuding was going between the different higher beings in a given region of influence.  For the sake of simplification, each religion and higher being is categorized for easy comprehension.  While some which will be covered for playtesting purposes are more specific to an area, the generation tables below are for GMs to be able to easily create a structure on which to develop a religion within their scenarios for better realism and immersion.

1-20 Church: Generally an established, hierarchical organization.
21-40 Cult: A large or small group usually attached to a single charismatic leader.
41-60 Fellowship: Small group(s) that lack formal organization and a charismatic leader.
61-80 Solitary: When a character either has unique beliefs or chooses not to affiliate religiously with others.
81-100 Indigenous: Religious traditions within a cultural group, such as a family or village.

1-7 Abbot/Abbess: Leader of a monastery or convent.
8-13 Cult Leader: Usually a charismatic head of a small group of highly devoted followers.
14-20 Disciple: Dedicated follower of a religious teacher or leader.
21-26 Guru: Spiritual teacher.
27-33 Spiritual Hermit: One who follows a solitary and isolated spiritual path.
34-40 Inquisitor: An official tasked with finding and "correcting" people who have broken religious rules.
41-46 Jihadist: A religious warrior.
47-53 Missionary: Dedicated to converting others, usually in distant geographic areas.
54-59 Monk/Nun: Belongs to a monastery or convent.
60-66 Patriarch/Matriarch: Leader of an organized religion, such as a pope.
67-73 Pilgrim: One traveling to a holy site or landmark.
74-79 Priest/Priestess: Someone authorized to administer sacraments as an ordained member of a church.
80-86 Prophet: One inspired to utter revelations or predictions, often in service to a specific deity.
87-93 Sacred Courtesan: Has sex, often with strangers, in service to a religion and for a symbolic price.
94-100 Shaman: A medium between the material and spirit world who practices healing and divination.

Called Name [True Name] /Aliases & Titles/ (Area of Influence)(Fields of Influential Powers): Description [Favor Requirements]  -Soul Power Boons & Abilities.

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