Sunday, September 1, 2013

System Mechanics: Mutant Subspecies:

As there is a number of different mundane pollution possibilities, there exists the possibility of mutations in flora, fauna and even sentient species.  Some of these, such as the Mutrant and Mykros Spider, have already been covered.  However, further ones will be added as the system develops and even after it is ready for official release a GM may wish to have additional variants on existing lifeforms to have as mutant allies, obstacles or just world-building details.  There is a relatively easy way to show the difference between a mutant and non-mutated species in this simple pattern:

Individuals Name (if sentient): Mutant Species Name [Original Species Name]: /Description of mutation/ Other description.

Typically mutations have a low chance of being beneficial (18-20 on 1d20), high chance of being lethal to the mutant so that it either doesn't birth correctly or dies soon after (1-7 on 1d20), a moderate chance of being non-lethal but detrimental to the mutant (8-11 on 1d20), and a high chance of it being merely cosmetic (12-17 on 1d20).  Examples of cosmetic mutations include heterochromia in species that do not naturally have it, or different colored skin or fur than is within the natural range for the species.

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