Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Forgotten Prison of Pral and its Captives: The Pragur:

Pral is the former home realm, and current prison of the High Chaotic Beings known as the Pragur, imprisoned within crystals left their by the Bodles after their last war with the Pragur.  Their realm is called The Forgotten Prison because most do not know of its existence, let alone its truename, its captives, its location, or what it originally was before becoming a prison.  The Pragur do not succumb to the slumber and merging properties of the crystals and are instead awake during their entire imprisonment, mentally writhing within the crystals.  Some weak Pragur managed to hide and are free, and some that are trapped can partially manifest into other realms, but thankfully they are unable to leave their prison completely.  The Pragur have reached out to the minds of fearful individuals and to those creative enough to describe what they see in waking dreams so that the Pragur may feed on the mental energies of those thinking about them, steadily influencing cultures over time to become more chaotic and hopefully desperate enough to try releasing one or more of them.  The Pragur are some of the oldest known beings in the universe, born shortly after the High Ordered Beings, and the war between the two sides spawned the Celestial and Infernal races, who worked with their Pral creators to seal off The White Void, home of the High Ordered Beings, and then betrayed them in fear for the power that the Pragur held and knowing their eventual plans for the universe: chaos unending until reality itself screamed and tore itself apart, freeing them to spread to other realms and universes.  Due to their multiple dimensional physical form, the Pragur are difficult to look at without a level of discomfort or even insanity in those less understanding of the universe and multidimensional beings.  They are tentacles and clouds, snakes and cold fire, dissonance and shifting sands.  They may assume flora and fauna natural forms to blend in when a small Pragur is free or if a larger one partially physically manifests, but even the simplest of creatures will recognize that something is off about them, something to be feared, though some may be too stupid not to listen to that nagging doubt and still ignore them or try to bargain with them...

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