Friday, September 13, 2013

The Silicon Fields:

As The Somnium Bleed, land of dreams and nightmares, has been touched on, it is only fitting that The Silicon Fields also be covered.  This realm is the digital plane, where information and calculations are brought to life as well as the many interfaces between machines and sentients, most commonly those which are entertainment media, such as digital games.  Characters from one source may interact with those from another, and several frequently try to leave the capital of Cybron to either dare the wilderness and raw information seas to find new lands, or to escape the realm itself.  This is chiefly due to the ruling powers, the Uushar pantheon pitting their citizens and visitors to the realm against one another as well as testing both themselves, usually under the guise of a character familiar to the visitors.  The Mertame are generally peaceful, being sentient lifeforms that are comprised of digital dna with no physical form outside the realm save that which they interface or merge with, though they can be powerful when backed into a corner.  The Vigram are infectious beasts that grow in cunning and even to sentience the more they absorb condensed data, the lifeblood of the creatures of the realm, developing and becoming more complex as they develop.  They are destructive and seek to turn others into more of them if they think they may be powerful and useful as they cannot turn on their 'advancer', but will drain the unworthy of their data to survive and show their dominating power.  Sentients from outside the realm might at first think that they are safe, but it is as real once physically inside it as The Somnium Bleed is to those that physically enter it, and even if just mentally entering it they may leave themselves open to mental attack or the possibility of physical problems while interfaced if not properly guarded.

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