Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Barren Wastes of Thelatos:

Long ago, after the war between the High Chaotic Beings and High Ordered Beings had ended with their imprisonment, the First Infernal Beings and First Celestial Beings warred against each other for a millenia before realizing that they were losing power given to them by the focus of lesser beings upon them.  As a result, a temporary truce was decided for a time, each pulling a piece of the prison realms away to form their own new home, the First Infernal Beings naming their new realm Thelatos.  At first it held only a dark space, but slowly they took planets into it, some inhabited even before the Celestial Beings put a stop to that, making them take barren ones after.  They twisted the inhabitants and made them new infernal species, harvesting the resources of their planets until they crumbled and became nothing but wastes.  Occasionally the infernal beings will travel to other realms raiding resources to stockpile and devour, but their own lands are incapable of sustaining agriculture.  The barren wastes of Thelatos have terrified those that have glimpsed it, fearing the unending torment the infernal beings do to one another in order to greedily gain resources for themselves sooner than their kin.  Undying to mere hunger and thirst, some of these that are less crafty become bloodthirsty and travel to other realms more frequently than their kin.

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