Sunday, September 22, 2013

System Mechanics: Professions:

As previously visited on the blog, there are many different professions available to players and other sentient characters, and each of them has its own prerequisites and benefits.  However, the mechanics themselves were not examined in much depth, and hence professions are revisited in this post.  Professions are generally the least dangerous method of gaining funds, and something that an adventuring character may either fall back on, expand from, retire to, or do alongside their normal questing.  For example, someone whose profession is to survey foreign or wild lands and send back samples might be paid by a wealthy nobleman, a military force, or a university for their exploration.

Profession: [Profession Name]: Prerequisites: Details of Prerequisites.
    Knowledge: Prerequisite Knowledge Name (and Level): Details.
    Skills: Prerequisite Skill Name (and Level): Details.
    Items: Prerequisite Item Name (and Level): Details.
    Income: Amount - Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly (Wages or Profit from Sales vs. Costs)
    Place of Business: Location 1; Location 2; Etc. (Or Wandering)
    Employer: Name/Business Name/Self-Employed.
    Taxes: Amount - Location 1; Location 2, Etc. (If Applicable)

The Profession Name, Knowledge, Skills and Items needed may be the same in multiple different locations, but the income itself will vary based on the supply of the profession compared to the demand in the area, as well as the quality or work done in comparison, and the renown of the individual with the profession.

Income = Average Income * (Average Supply/Demand of Locations Worked) * (Quality Average of efforts of the profession's required work) * (Renown /100)

The more that individuals are satisfied with the quality of the work, the higher their renown will become, and the more business they will have if there is enough demand for it.  The Place of Business portion primarily deals with how many different locations that this job is done at, so as to help determine the total supply and demand in order to work out the income, as well as for handy reference of where the individual would be most known for their work.  The Employer entry may affect RP if business has a strong perception in the public eye and whether that is positive or negative, or being relatively unknown, or if the individual employer is much-loved or disliked, or if it is seen as something of a shame or pride to be self-employed.  The Taxes is an unavoidable effect of working in any area that taxes income, to show what money the government of the area will claim rightfully their own, and will most likely send officers of the local law if the taxes are unpaid.  This sum is listed from the wages earned in the applicable areas for the ease of the players and the GM, but the computer version would have this sorted out behind the scenes to go to each individual region that is taxed in order to let a player choose to pay taxes in one, many or no taxable area as they see fit to defy the local government if it has taxation on its citizens.

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