Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Terror: Mimic:

One of the common staples of RPG bestiaries is the mimic, a shapeshifting creature that tempts adventurers and attacks them when their deception is revealed. MaL also has the mimic, with its version being a clay and blood creature which becomes more complex the more that it consumes.

Terror: Mimic: An asexual creature that reproduces via binary fission, the mimic primarily feeds on flesh and blood, crushing stone and other materials to make itself stronger. The smallest of mimics is known to frequently disguise itself as a coin or small insect, as they can morph to take on the features of what they consume, though not the intelligence of a sentient, but they are crafty tricksters that recognize both from observation and genetic memory how to get their food. If they do morph to look like a sentient, they will be not be able to exhibit the intelligence of one, though they may make sounds similar to them, much like a parrot will do. The stats listed below are for a mimic about to divide, though some may have lower stats at smaller sizes, or higher depending on their complex food intake. While they are patient but savage creatures, some sentient individuals or other creatures have been known to tame them or work a symbiotic relationship, using their trickery to their own ends.

HP: 40 / EP: 8 / LP: 1 / SP: 2 / FP: 10
Reaction: 12 / Finesse: 12 / Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 3 / Willpower: 13 / Strength: 22
Speed: 2 (2 feet per second, 1 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)

Elemental Strengths: Earth, Stone, Blood
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Bone

Common Drops: Dead Mimic

Bite IV (0 FP Each): 4 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Dig II (1 FP Each): Digs one-quarter its body height in a single turn.

Charge (2 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed + 1 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to four movement spaces.

Gnaw II (1 FP Each): Chew through most materials in a matter of minutes. Anything of less than 6 hardness can be chewed through, scaling from 5 hardness taking an hour per cubic foot downward to 1 hardness at 20 minutes per cubic foot.

Headbutt (0 FP Each): 4 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Morph IV (2 FP Each): The user morphs to a non-living form it sees, or has seen, or has absorbed, or one that it has sampled the blood of with 100% duplication, but not modification to prevent an obvious comparison revealing itself.

Run (1 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Sneak III (1 FP Each): Crosses an area at two-thirds speed without making a sound in the process.

Stalk III (2 FP Each): Able to follow at one-third speed the scent or tracks of another character or creature without making a sound.

Swim (1 FP): Any species that lives in water as an aquatic or amphibious culture does not need to use focus to swim. Moves two-thirds its land speed while in water.

Walk (0 FP Each): Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

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