Monday, July 22, 2013

Item: Bottle of Ectoplasm:

Some specters bring with them enough excess ectoplasm that it may be collected from where it slimes off of them, while others may be using it to keep a more solid form, and thus it can be gathered after defeating them.  This may aid in some creations as well as serving as a potent drug.

Item: Bottle of Ectoplasm (1/2 lbs) (35 CP) (1 Toughness) (1 EP) (Spectral):
      A Bottle of Ectoplasm can be used in creations that need Vettir essence, or are used in traveling to the ectoplasm rifts.  It also serves as a potent drug that makes the individual feel acutely aware of the smallest of sensations, able to see into other realms for five minutes (depending on what other materials mixed with it for which realms), able to see specters, and able to phase through substances that specters can phase through for fifteen minutes.  It is almost entirely illegal to own or ingest in most regions unless delivering to the authorities, licensed for its disposal, or part of a special task force licensed to use its multiple functions.  Certain other individuals may have license to use it solely in creating alloys and other mixed materials, but are generally still unable to legally ingest it and all must submit to tests proving they haven't on a regular basis for those and similar licenses.

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