Saturday, July 20, 2013

Item: Corpsebloom:

There are a lot of different types of materials that either attract or keep specters at bay.  One such is the Corpsebloom.

Item: Corpsebloom (1/10 lbs) (50 CP) (1 Toughness) (1 EP) (Spectral, Plant, Death):
     This flower is unusual in that it parasitically attaches to animals and other plants to grow, but will only transfer itself via its clinging edges like cockleburrs.  Once its host dies, the plant wraps itself around it, drawing all nutrients it can out, blossoming a day later for however long it takes for the corpse to decompose, then it will release seeds to settle elsewhere.  Flies are drawn to the scent of the corpses and the flowers as a result are pollinated as well.  Away from a corpse, the corpsebloom smells sickeningly sweet and is a potent ingredient in many healing potions.  Additionally, its smell makes many specters remember that they are dead if they have forgotten, and agitates others regardless, making them swarm the source of the scent until it dissipates or they are otherwise distracted by something else.

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