Sunday, July 7, 2013

System Mechanics: Classes and Traits:

One of the key mechanics in Myths and Legends is the tree systems with regard to learning knowledge, abilities, and other roleplay developments.  Many RPG systems allow the use of a particular starting class or two classes, and anything within them is allowed as a player levels up, so long as the player has met the prerequisites necessary.  Some make learning outside of these classes impossible, or heavily penalized.  MaL is designed with that aspect removed.  If a player wants to play purely within a set of traits and suggested build and focus on specific areas of expertise, they may, and thus will be spending more time leveling those specific abilities and related ones, rather than a lot of useful, but unrelated abilities.  Should a player instead choose to try to experiment and learn different combinations of abilities for use within and outside combat, they can work toward learning the prerequisites to study and utilize any ability that has met the prerequisites already, as well as the chance to attempt other abilities without the prerequisites at a lower chance of success.  Already in the playtesting a few players have stuck directly to their class choices.  A few have started to deviate in order to try new ideas, and some have moved more easily through certain tests than others might have as a result.  That said, I'll post the class bonuses again, with the different traits that those bonuses tie directly to, so one can see how to potentially create hybrid classes or custom classes.

The Huntsman
A build intended as a ranged and melee fighter.

Deft Blow characters get +1 damage dealt when using melee attacks.

Hunter's Eye characters get +2 on Visual Observation Checks related to tracking (Does stack with Keen Eye and other traits when appropriate).

Keen Eye characters get +2 on all Visual Observation Checks.

Piercing Aim characters get +2 damage dealt when using ranged attacks.

Animal Knowledge II and Plant Knowledge II as commonly chosen knowledge bonuses.  They also have a general respect for nature for roleplay reasons.

The Burdener
A build intended as a defensive fighter primarily.

Bear It All characters have +2 EP to max.

Brutish Strength characters have +5 STR.

Constant Defense characters get +1 on defense against attacks (essentially a +1 EP that refreshes every single attack the player withstands).

Melee Defensive Techniques IV as a commonly chosen knowledge bonus.

The Berserker
A build with two melee bonuses, filled with rage and wrath.

Blind Rage characters get +2 damage dealt when using melee attacks if enraged (but being less able to tell friend from foe at that point.  1d6 chance of accidentally attacking a friend if they are in range.  This does stack with other bonuses).

Harsh Blow characters get +2 damage dealt when using melee attacks.

Mild Poison Resistance characters get +1 resistance to poisons.

Improvised Weapon Knowledge II and Simple Weapon Knowledge II as commonly chosen knowledge bonuses.

The Wizard
A build that casts magic using Foci to have better control.

Foci Accuracy characters gets +2 on Accuracy Checks when using ranged Foci spells.

Foci Crafting characters get +1 Success on crafting a Foci.

Foci Control characters know how to use Foci in order to get +2 Success on using their Foci Magic without side-effects, as well as making it land properly where intended.

Foci Recharge characters get +1 to Foci Recharge Success Checks, being able to better recharge their Foci.

Spell Studies characters get +2 on Learning Checks related to learning new knowledge for magic-related abilities.

The Acolyte
A build with Soul Power bonuses and related traits.

Faith Favor characters get +2 favor with their primary higher-power-being.

Focused Mind characters get +2 on regain rate on FP per time regaining at least 1 FP back.

Spiritual Strength characters get +2 damage when using soul power abilities.

Widened Universe characters get +1 SP.

The Sorcerer
A build with wild magic bonuses and related traits.

Animal Tongues characters get the ability to speak to mundane animals and understand them.

Bonus Language characters get one bonus language at start.

Spell Resistance characters get +2 on Spell Resistance Checks.

Wild Magic Strikes characters get +2 damage when using Wild Magic attacks.

The Rogue
A build designed for stealth and related traits.

Alchemical Accuracy characters get +2 on Alchemy Success Checks.

Backstabber characters get +1 damage when using sneak attacks.

Charmer characters get +1 on Charisma Checks.

Concealer characters get +2 to Stealth Checks.

The Psion
A build based around psionic bonuses and related traits.

Psionic Conductivity characters get +1 to Success Checks when using psionic abilities if they are wearing conductive non-toxic metal on their head, and -1 to Success Checks when wearing toxic metal or other toxic substances on their head.

Psionic Focus characters get +2 to Success Checks when using psionic abilities.

Psionic Focus Regain characters get +2 FP per day regained when they regain at least 1 FP.

Practiced Psionic characters at start get 1 psionic ability using 2FP or 2 psionic abilities using 1FP each without using from their ability pool.

The Tinkerer
A build based around gadgets, strategy and related traits.

Inventive Hands characters get +2 on Craft Checks of all types.

Fix-It characters get +2 on Repair Checks of all types.

It Lives characters get one simple golem of small to tiny size without cost if valued under 5 Gold Pieces.

Quick Check characters get +1 on Observation Checks.

Advanced Gear characters get one weapon or tool advanced beyond commonality to their area for use at start for no cost if under 5 Gold Pieces in value.

A hybrid starter build might be a mix of a Wizard and Tinkerer builds, a character that crafts mundane and foci weapons.  As such, these might be a good mix of traits for them:

Fix-It characters get +2 on Repair Checks of all types.

Foci Crafting characters get +1 Success on crafting a Foci.

Inventive Hands characters get +2 on Craft Checks of all types.

Foci Control characters know how to use Foci in order to get +2 Success on using their Foci Magic without side-effects, as well as making it land properly where intended.

Foci Recharge characters get +1 to Foci Recharge Success Checks, being able to better recharge their Foci.
Another player might want to play with traits from more than just two builds, or do one from scratch from the list of traits.  Below is an example with traits from multiple builds.  This sort of build would suit a character that uses its mind a lot, having some knowledge of basic weaponry and defense, as well as having some psionic abilities and control of foci for some spell uses, and alchemical accuracy to improve the chances of making alchemical concoctions properly.

Alchemical Accuracy characters get +2 on Alchemy Success Checks.

Constant Defense characters get +1 on defense against attacks (essentially a +1 EP that refreshes every single attack the player withstands).

Foci Control characters know how to use Foci in order to get +2 Success on using their Foci Magic without side-effects, as well as making it land properly where intended.

Practiced Psionic characters at start get 1 psionic ability using 2FP or 2 psionic abilities using 1FP each without using from their ability pool.

Improvised Weapon Knowledge II and Simple Weapon Knowledge II as commonly chosen knowledge bonuses.

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