Wednesday, July 3, 2013

System Mechanics: Hobby Traits:

A character's hobbies and pastimes help build their personality out and may give them added knowledge or proficiency in different skills.  Some are more for general roleplay reasons, but most have some added bonus that may make them desirable, or be useful for balancing other traits.  Some of these might seem like they should have balancing, such as Drinking, but it will be differentiated later with with Addict traits in a later post.


Acrobatics characters get +1 REA.

Actor characters get +1 to Charisma Checks and +1 to Lying Checks

Animal Fighting characters love to fight animals, against themselves, other individuals, or against other animals.  They gain +1 to Taming Checks.

Animal Taming characters love to tame animals and keep them or sell them off as pets.  They gain +2 to Taming Checks.

Animal Tracking characters get +1 to Tracking Checks and +1 to Taming Checks.

Art Appreciation characters love to look at art, gaining +1 to Art Appraisal Checks of a designated type per use of this trait.

Brewing characters love making their own alcoholic beverages and have an increased proficiency in brewing.  They get +1 to Brewing Profession Proficiency.

Calligraphy characters love to make fancy writings and can more easily read calligraphy as well.  This has no general bonus, being more for roleplay reasons.

Carving characters love to use blades to carve things out of other materials, gaining +1 to Carved Object Crafting Checks.

Competitive Combat characters love to fight with others in competition, gaining +2 EP.

Cooking characters love to cook, gaining +1 to Cook Profession Proficiency Checks.

Crowd characters love to watch things such as games and sports from a crowd.  This has no general bonus, being more for roleplay reasons.

Dancing characters love to dance and get +1 to Perform Dance checks and +1 to REA,

Drinking characters love to drink alcoholic beverages.  This has no general bonus, being more for roleplay reasons.

Dueling characters love to throw-down with another character for sport or for honor, gaining +1 to Courage Checks.

Fast-Eater characters are great at eating quickly while on the go, particularly when the food is stolen, or at competitions. This has no general bonus, being more for roleplay reasons.

Fishing characters love to fish.  This has no general bonus, being more for roleplay reasons.

Fortune-Telling characters love having their fortune told.  This has no general bonus, being more for roleplay reasons.  Characters may more regularly get hints toward possible quests as a result, depending on the GM.

Gambler characters enjoy gambling.  This has no general bonus, being more for roleplay reasons.

Gardening characters love working in gardens and observing plants, gaining +1 to Visual Observation Checks and +1 to Plant Kingdom Knowledge.

Glassmaking characters are better at making glass objects.  They get +1 to Glass-Making Profession Proficiency Checks.

Hunting characters specifically follow animals in order to hunt them for trophies or food, rather than animal trackers, who follow them for enjoyment of seeing them.  They get +1 to Tracking Checks and +1 to Accuracy Checks.

Instrument Playing characters get +2 Performance Checks to a designated instrument per use of this trait.

Inventor characters create new things or make new uses out of old things regularly.  +1 to Craft Checks and +1 to Repair Checks.

Jewelry-Making characters love to make different forms of jewelry and wear them, give them away, or sell them. +1 to Jewelry Crafting Checks and +1 to Jeweler Profession Proficiency Checks.

Jousting characters love to joust with other characters, gaining +1 to Balance Checks.

Juggling characters love to juggle things, gaining +1 to Reflex Checks.

Metal-Working characters get +1 to Metal-Working Profession Proficiency Checks and +1 to Repair Checks.

Mount Racing characters get +1 to Taming Checks and +2 to Mount Speed.

Music Appreciation characters love to listen to the nuances of musical performances, gaining +2 to Listen Checks.

Painting characters love to paint, getting +1 to Painting Profession Proficiency Checks, and +1 to Visual Observation Checks.

Philosophizing characters love to discuss the mind, society and other things related to philosophy.  This has no general bonus, being more for roleplay reasons.

Playing characters enjoy playing games and sports.  +1 Proficiency in a single designated game or sport per use of this trait selected.

Reading characters love to read, gaining +1 to Observation Checks and +1 to Learning Checks.

Researcher characters love to study things in order to learn more, gaining +2 to Learning Checks in a specified field per use of this trait.

Riddling characters love to exchange riddles, gaining +1 to Wit Checks.

Sailing/Boating characters love to sail and ride boats, gaining +1 to REA.

Sewing characters love to sew things, gaining +1 to Cloth Repair Checks and -1 to Intimidate Checks.

Singing Softly characters love to sing as a hobby but do not necessarily do it constantly, gaining +1 to Singing Performance Checks, but -1 to Morale Checks if criticized.

Smoking characters enjoy smoking one or more substances, gaining -1 to Respiration Checks.

Storytelling characters get +1 to Charisma Checks and +1 to Lying Checks.

Swimming characters love to swim regularly and get +1 to Swim Speed and +1 to Respiration Checks.

Theatre Appreciation characters love to see people acting, gaining +1 to Observation Checks.

Weaving characters love to create things out of yarn and string, gaining +1 to Weaving Profession Proficiency Checks and -1 to Intimidate Checks.

Wood-Working characters love to carve and otherwise work wood into other things, gaining +1 to Wood Crafting Checks.

Writing characters love to tell a tale in their writing, gaining +1 to Lying Checks and +1 to Learning Checks.

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