Friday, July 12, 2013

Item: Disguising Hood:

Arindell's gains from the battle with the traveling trader gained some items already covered, but there are more as well.  Today we'll cover another stealthy piece of clothing, the Disguising Hood.

Item: Disguising Hood (1 lbs) (25 GP) (1 Toughness) (2 EP) (Visible Light Spectrum):
     This hood has been tailored with sigils on the inner side that bind an illusion spell to it.  It's not durable, but on concentration its wearer can make their face look like that of another species, if the hood is up.  This is a visual only spell and affects the face alone, so it is best if the wearer covers other features that might give away their true nature.  The individual wearing it does not need to know how to make one or how to work magic to operate the Disguising Hood, but they do have to concentrate on another species and race and the hood will give the illusion of another of their same gender in that species and race as per their height and genetics to make it as seamless as possible.  In order to repair it if it is damaged, a character must have learned a level II illusion spell and a level II binding spell and Sigil Knowledge and Spell Knowledge needed for those levels of spells.  Repairing it without that knowledge will render it into a Simple Hood.

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