Wednesday, July 31, 2013

System Mechanics: Item Appraised Value (Part III):

Touching on the item appraisal system yet again, here is the current listing formula.

Item: Item Name (Weight) (Rarity) (Quality) (Value) (Toughness) (EP) (Aspects): Description.

As stated in Part I, there are base values to items, decided from their category and subcategories.  Due to the massive number of potential items that will be in the core books on their release, the computer version later, and GM added items for customizing their campaigns, it is extremely difficult to list all of the subcategories, let alone the items themselves.  Still, to start, here is an example of a category and subcategories (Note that as the system develops the specific base values may be recalculated for balancing):

Category: Gemstone (Base Value: 8 Copper Pieces)
    Subcategory: Precious (Base Multiplier: 10)
        Subcategory: Uncut (Base Multiplier: 10)
            Subcategory: Emerald (Base Multiplier: 10)

That makes the base value at 8000 Copper Pieces, or 32 Gold Pieces at a 1 pound piece.  If an uncut emerald is at a quarter pound, then we'll look at its base value at 8 Gold Pieces.  We'll say that this particular type of uncut emerald is of Unique Rarity due to its particular hue  (4 Rarity), and Excellent Quality (2 Quality) in its present state being less than once cut, but still highly valued.  Its toughness we'll set at 3, and its EP at 8.  While Emerald does have its own aspects in terms of alchemy essences, symbolism and specific uses that make it valued in certain situations, that increases its value to an individual and situation, not general value.  Also not listed are market fluctuations, favor and renown, and other factors that change its value from the appraised standard to a higher or lower value.  More on those changes another time, but let's calculate out the value of the item, and show its listing.

Value: <8 GP (Base Value)> + <0 CP (Weight)> + <4 GP, 160 CP (15% * 4 * 8 GP)> + <2 GP, 80 CP (15% * 2 * 8 GP)> + <1 GP,  40 CP (5% * 3 * 8 GP)> + <3 GP, 40 CP  (5% * 8 * 8 GP)> = 18 GP, 360 CP = 19 GP, 160 CP.

Item: Uncut Emerald (1/4th Pound) (Unique) (Excellent) (19 GP, 160 CP) (3 Toughness) (8 EP) (No Aspects): This uncut emerald is a precious gemstone weighing in at a quarter of a pound, of higher value once cut or used for other purposes than a shiny paperweight.  Still, to the right individual even without preparation you might make more from selling it than the standard value.

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