Thursday, July 4, 2013

System Mechanics: Mental and Emotional Disorder Traits:

Flaws add depth to character, turning them from idealizations of concepts into more realistic personalities, breathing life and diversity into roleplay.  A character with flaws has a difficulty to overcome regularly, a reason for going questing sometimes, and a challenge to maintain the flaws in roleplay consistently.  There are a multitude of different optional flaws, and below are just a sample.

Mental & Emotional Disorders:

Addiction characters have something that they find very difficult to resist.  They get -1 WIL on any check involving resting their type of addition.  Some examples include types of food, alcohol, gambling, money, smoking, power, adrenaline, sex, combat, work, and recreational drugs.

Amnesia [Anterograde] characters have -5 to Learning Checks involving anything happening after gaining this flaw trait until it is removed.

Amnesia [Retrograde] characters have -5 to Memory Checks involving their own past before gaining this flaw trait until it is removed.

Anxiety characters have +1 to Reflex Checks, but have to spend an hour regaining the first EP point regained every time they rest.

Bipolar characters have 1d6 chance each of their emotion swinging to mania or severe depression every 30 minutes or 6 turns until it rolls differently (1 = Mania, 2-5 = Emotional State prior to roll, 6 = Severe Depression).

Borderline Personality Disorder characters have a 1d20 chance for each of the following: suicidal behavior, self-mutilation, stress-related paranoid delusions, emotional shift to rage or depression, and gestures and threats of anger at others per every 30 minutes or 6 turns until it rolls differently (1 = Suicidal Behavior, 2 = Self-Mutilation, 3 = Paranoia, 4 = Emotional Shift Rage, 5 = Emotional Shift Depression, 6 = Gesture or Threat of Anger at others).

Dementia characters have -2 INT, and -2 to Cunning Checks, finding it difficult to do abstract thinking and make quick judgements, as well as impaired intellect and memory.

Dependent Personality Disorder characters have -3 to Morale Checks and -2 to Courage Checks if left on their own, -2 to Morale Checks and -1 to Courage Checks even if with someone else, feeling dependent on others constantly and afraid of being alone.

Depersonalization Disorder characters have -2 SP, and -2 to Reason Checks, feeling like their body is not their own, or constantly in a dreamlike state.

Depression Impaired characters have -3 to Morale, -1 to Learning Checks, first EP takes one hour to recover per time they rest, these characters feel guilty, pessimistic, hopeless, suicidal, and have low energy, low interest, low motivation, and low desire for and enjoyment of pleasure.

Fugue Abrupt characters have -3 to Memory Checks leave their home with an inability to remember important parts of their life, as well as possibly adopting in part or in full a new identity (1d20 chance [1 for partial and 2 = full] with -5 to Memory Checks of information prior to the adoption).

Histrionic Personality Disorder characters are narcissistic, always seeking to be the center of attention, and latches onto others thinking relationships are more intimate than they are.  -3 to Charisma Checks.

Hypochondria characters are fraught with worry about potential diseases or physical problems with little or no real evidence to suggest worry is founded.  They have -1 SP, and -2 to Reason Checks.

Kleptomaniac characters have an overwhelming compulsion to steal, gaining +2 to Steal Checks and +1 to Stealth Checks, but -4 WIL to resist stealing.

Manic characters have an inflated self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, are more talkative, have racing thoughts and are more distracted, having an increase in goal-oriented activities, and are highly involved in activities that are pleasurable but have a high chance of painful consequences.  They have -1 LP per week, +1 to Charisma Checks, -1 to WIL Checks involving any current addictions.

Masochist characters have a strong desire to be humiliated, beaten, bound and made to suffer due to a psychological need, gaining +2 EP to max, but -1 HP to max.

Multiple Personality Disorder characters have more than one distinct personality within them, and the other personalities may overwhelm them at different times, sometimes with information the other personalities might not know consciously.  They get -1 to Reason Checks, and 1d20 chance per half hour or 6 turns to change personalities from one to another.

Narcissistic characters have a high sense of self-worth, constantly fantasizing future success, power, beauty or other ideals they might achieve, believing themselves to be special and only others of their ideals or close to them are worth associating with.  They require fawning adoration or admiration, having a sense of entitlement, taking advantage of others and lacking empathy for them.  They get -2 to Charisma Checks and -1 to Reason Checks.

Nymphomaniac characters have a strong compulsion to engage in sexual activities with others of their preferred romantic partner types, or aides.  They get +2 to Charisma, but -2 WIL to resist sexual activities.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder characters have a need to engage in specific ritualized behaviors as well as being obsessed over some things with uncontrollable thoughts.  They get -1 to Learning Checks and -1 to WIL Checks resisting the obsessive behaviors of choice at start.

 Panic Attack characters are extremely nervous and have attacks which can cause them physical problems, as well as having feelings of detachment from themselves and fear of losing control.  They get +1 to Reflex Checks, -1 EP max, -1 HP max, and -1 SP max.

Paranoid characters believe without proof that others are intentionally trying to mislead and take advantage of them or cause them harm, being highly passive-aggressive or outright aggressive to others, bearing grudges and unforgiving of perceived slights.  They gain -1 to Charisma Checks, and -1 to Morale Checks.

Phobia characters are afraid of a particular object or situation.  For each phobia, -1 to Courage Check for the particular phobia.  It is entirely up to the GM's discretion on whether to allow highly obscure phobias or not, and how to bring them into roleplay and ensure characters have to face their fears or flee them.

Pyromaniac characters are obsessed with fire and have a high compulsion to do arson.  -2 to WIL Checks resisting setting a fire, or watching one instead of putting it out.

Sadistic characters have a strong desire to cause others harm or humiliation, gaining -2 to Charisma Checks, and +1 to Cunning Checks.

Schizophrenic characters have delusions and hallucinations, paranoia and catatonic behavior, being poorly organized and prone to lashing out.  They have -1 SP, -1 to Reason Checks, and -1 to all Observation Checks.

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