Friday, July 12, 2013

Item: Invisibility Cloak:

Arindell, the goblin character belonging to one of the male playtesters was touched on a bit yesterday with her item Dawnblade the Shortsword, as well as how it was turned from an ordinary shortsword into an more powerful weapon.  Today, we'll cover another item gained by Arindell, the one making much of her cunning plans that much simpler, an Invisibility Cloak.  Arindell negotiated and purchased it from the traveling trader before leaving and returning to combat him, and has put it and other items gained from that encounter to great use.

Item: Invisibility Cloak (3 lbs) (75 GP) (1 Toughness) (5 EP) (Visible Light Spectrum):
     This cloak has been tailored with sigils on the inner side that bind an invisibility spell to it.  It isn't very durable, but its advantage to stealth operations makes it well worth having.  In order to activate its effect, the wearer must speak the activation word.  In order to deactivate its invisibility, a separate word must be spoken, though the wearer does not need to be the one to speak it.  If a character is not told its activation or deactivation words, they must either attempt to learn it via studying the sigils if their Sigil Knowledge and Spell Knowledge is high enough to have learned a level III invisibility spell and level III binding spell, or they may attempt to guess the words with a 5d100 chance of learning one if they crit on all rolls, or they may try to learn the words from another means such as tracking down someone else well versed in such matters.  When the Invisibility Cloak is active, stationary characters get +20 to stealth involving visual checks involving visual light, and moving characters get +15 to the same.  Creatures and characters relying on scent, infrared or ultraviolet light, sound or other means of observation may either have a general idea of the direction of the wearer or possibly their specific position.  The Invisibility Cloak cannot be repaired to retain its spell without having the knowledge necessary to make one.  Repairing it without that knowledge will render it into a Simple Cloak.

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