Friday, July 26, 2013

System Mechanics: Effective Communication:

In our world, there are thousands of forms of language and communication.  Some are spoken, some are written, some are signed, and others do not fit with any.  In MaL, while there are far fewer languages, there still are disabilities of communication such as deafness, muteness, blindness, as well as dialects and enough languages that perfect communication between every single character is impossible.  Every character has at least one starting language, and many have multiple for various reasons.  Despite sign language and the braille alphabet in our world being non-verbal forms of communication, they are still languages, and the same applies in MaL.  Any method of communication is considered a language, even the language of images and concepts, most commonly used by telepathic characters.  The effectiveness of communication between two characters is seen as such:

A) Do the characters use the same or similar languages?
B) Do they use the same or a similar dialect?
C) Do they have the similar relative vocabulary in that language?
D) Do they have the similar relative sanity?
E) Do they have any impairments to their understanding of said language?

(A + B + C + D + E)/5 = Effectiveness of communication.

For example, two characters are using the same language, but their differing dialects that are 60% similar.  One has a very limited vocabulary, whereas the other has a very verbose one, making their overlap 20%.  They both have the same sanity, and neither has impairments to their understanding.  Their effectiveness is as such:

(100 + 60 + 20 + 100 + 100)/5 = 76% Effective Communication.

As such, the more complex an idea is to communicate, the higher effectiveness is required, which compares what the rating is to see if there is a miscommunication or lack of understanding.

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