Tuesday, July 9, 2013

System Mechanics: Item Listing:

For every weapon, tool or other item there is a durability rating as well as a stat on what it can do, and modifiers for what else it can do beyond the standard for its material type.  An item's personal name is what a character chooses to name the item, most common when it has a lot of modifiers making it unique.  Its regular name for the type of item it is, is listed afterward.  After is its weight, which adds up against the total that a character can hold without losing speed, and by how much they end up decreasing.  The value of an item follows, showing its average estimated value, which may be higher or lower than what it actually is purchased or sold for.  Its toughness bonus is how it is modified to increase the physical damage that it deals.  It's EP is how many points of durability it has before breaking if it doesn't receive any repair work to it.  The other modifier bonuses would be if it has any additional alterations to use, such as if it has a flame modifier, or ethereal, or electric, etc.  Finally the item's description for what it does, what it looks like and other information pertaining to it.

(Personal Name) (Item Name) (Weight) (Value) (Toughness Bonus) (EP) (Other Modifier Bonuses): Description.

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