Friday, July 5, 2013

System Mechanics: Upbringing Traits:

Sometimes certain characters have traits due to their genetics, and sometimes it is due to the nurturing their parents or guardians gave them as they were being raised to maturity, or as close to it as their sense of humor allows.  Below are some traits that are due to the character's upbringing.

Upbringing Traits:

Born Lucky characters get +1 LP at start.  These type of characters constantly get put into situations that test their luck during their upbringing, causing them to be more luck than most others to start out.

Cursed Blood characters have a family curse that has to either be broken individually or for the individual and their future lineage.  They get +1 Local Reputation, as most likely the curse would be know to others in their hometown, though not its cure.  The curse itself could be chosen from a later uploaded list, the character's recommendation to the GM, or the GM picking one at random themselves for the character if the player agrees.

Early Apprenticeship characters get +2 Proficiency to a Profession of choice at start, having learned from their parents or guardians or another individual from a very young age more about their profession than most others have by the age they first start adventuring.

Favored Child characters get a lot of attention and end up very charismatic as a result.  Some might become spoiled from this, depending on their type of upbringing, whereas others might always need to prove themselves.  They get +2 to Charisma Checks.

Forgotten Child characters get very little attention, usually due to being the smallest of a group of children, or the middle child, or otherwise not different enough to show off their strengths.  They get +2 to Stealth Checks.

Gender Schism characters are raised by their parents or guardians as if they were the opposite gender due to uncomfortableness, senility, or any number of other reasons, and as a result may act more according to that opposite gender at times, if their culture has differences between gender roles.  They get +1 to EP for bearing things regularly, but -2 to Knowledge Checks on their own culture if their culture has differences between gender roles.

Magic in the Blood characters are born or altered early in their upbringing to have small amounts of magical energy coursing through their veins, allowing them +1 FP and the ability to wield magic directly from the leylines, having only a 1d20 chance of failure.

Merchant Class characters were born to a family of merchants, gaining +2 on Haggle Checks and + 1d100 extra gold pieces at start beyond the standard.

Seventh Child characters get a +2 FP bonus and the ability to wield magic from foci with relative ease, if they are the seventh son or seventh daughter of their family.  They have a 1d10 chance of failure if pulling directly from leylines.

Seventh Cubed characters are the seventh son or daughter of the seventh son or daughter, making them able to cast magic without foci with relative ease.  They have a 1d100 chance of failure if pulling directly from leylines.

Silver Spoon characters grew up in wealth, and as a result have -1 to Cunning Checks, but + 3d100 sum  Gold Pieces at start beyond the standard.

Slave Child characters grew up as a slave and were freed or freed themselves, having no funds at start, only 1d10 Gold Pieces worth of equipment and weaponry that they were able to steal or be given when going out their first adventure.

Street Rat characters grew up either as orphans or otherwise poor families and had to fend for themselves growing up, as well as their own families possibly.  They get +1 to Cunning Checks and +1 to Speed.

Thirteenth Child characters are born with -1 LP, but +5 FP, and the ability to pull magic directly from the leylines, with a 1d6 chance of failure.

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