Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Item: Time Crystal:

Sometimes a Living Pentachoron or other temporal creature attacks a character due to its meddling with the flow of time, and if defeated certain rare drops may be found.  In the case of the Living Pentachoron, this drop is a Time Crystal.

Item: Time Crystal (1/4 lbs) (1 PP) (2 Toughness) (5 EP) (Temporal):
     These rare crystals do not normally grow outside of the White Void, as they are very prone to corruption of structure which makes their power diminish or disappear.  Each Time Crystal is capable of a small field of temporal interruption when magic or electricity flows into it.  At the size typically found in a Living Pentachoron, this allows the user to step between seconds for five minutes of their perspective before the Time Crystal needs five hours to recharge.  Coupled with additional spells or materials, this may also allow increased precognition and retrocognition, temporally freezing a targeted radius, temporally accelerating a targeted radius, or the possibility of time travel.  In order for a character to grow a time crystal larger, they need to grow it in a pure vacuum, save the Fnor and Lin essences used in equal proportions to grow it larger.  Using one essence of each and spending five hours dropping them slowly will cause the crystal to grow by five minutes of use, while requiring the same recharge time.

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