Monday, July 15, 2013

Terror: Lurking Apparition:

When a soul passes through the aether, the ectoplasm waves often echo and create a creature known as a specter, or ghost.  Typically, they are condensed or fractured portions of the soul they are mimicking.   As a result, they frequently amplify things strongly related to the death of the origin of the echo.  The Lurking Apparition is one such echo.

Terror: Lurking Apparition:  This specter is formed from the rage and fear of a soul's echo toward an individual, group of individuals, or people like those they were angry at and afraid of.  A Lurking Apparition will stalk an individual they have targeted and try to push them towards accidents or suicide whenever possible.

HP: 30 / EP: 5  / LP: 0 / SP: 4 / FP: 20
Reaction: 3 / Finesse: 17 / Intelligence: 19
Wisdom: 9 / Willpower: 34 / Strength: 4
Speed: 18 (18 feet per second, 9 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Air, Lightning, Blood
Elemental Weaknesses: Earth, Metal, Bone

Common Drops: Wispy Vapor, Ectoplasm

Shove (0 FP Each): 1 damage minimum on success against armor-less targets.  Shoves a target or shoves something at the target.

Flight (1 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Float (2 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed + 1 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to three movement spaces.

Hover (0 FP Each): Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

Phase (0 FP Each): Passes through almost any non-magnetic materials other than glass. Cannot pass through iron, nickel or cobalt. On phasing through an individual or other creature, it only tickles unless they are using an active spell on their body, in which case it causes 1 damage as they pass through.

Roar III (0 FP Each): Roars to intimidate and call for reinforcements. If any are within 2 1/2 miles and sound is not dampened, more specters will come to the aid of the Lurking Apparition. Check Willpower of opponent when used, if less than 8, -1 SP. May only be used once per combat per Lurking Apparition to affect sanity, subsequent roaring does not affect sanity further.

Shriek II (1 FP): Check Willpower of opponent when used, if less than 20, -1 SP. May only be used once per combat to affect sanity.

Test of Sanity III (2 FP): The Bound Phantom uses its spectral nature to reveal a horrific aspect of the universe potentially unknown to its foe. This deals 3 damage plus 3 sanity points reduction if the foe has less than fifteen willpower.

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