Friday, May 17, 2013

Companion: Brain in a Jar:

Usually when a character has a companion, it's a loved one, a loyal pet, or a machine of some sort.  While the Brain in a Jar may be a loved one on some occasions, it is more often than not an intelligent foe defeated by the character, or one purchased of interest to the character.  A Brain in a Jar can be outfitted to share its wisdom, witticism, scorn or other fun roleplaying conversations depending on its relationship to the character, but more importantly, it can't fight or flee its owner.  A psion might use a Brain in a Jar for added brainpower for psionic abilities, or to serve as a distraction or other purposes.  A wizard or sorceror might keep one that can tell them the spells it had once learned in before death, an acolyte to learn where its heresy against their chosen deity was being done, and so forth.  Brain in a Jar companions aren't very good in combat unless paired with a character with some mental abilities or used just for their knowledge.  A Brain in a Jar typically is just carried along with a character's other belongings, strapped to their side, but sometimes they may be floated alongside a character if they use an ability to make their movement possible, or if the brain belonged to a character once having such abilities, or a Brain in a Jar may be put into a saddlebag or other container that a mount or other companion might carry.

Companion: Brain in a Jar:  A Brain in a Jar is a great companion for a psion, character with other mental abilities, or just one seeking to learn information from a deceased character.  Depending on the species and individual characteristics of the individual the brain originally belonged to, the Intelligence, Wisdom and Willpower will vary drastically.  Usually a character does not know the specific statistics of any other character or creature within the perspective of roleplay, and as such the renown and demonstrated knowledge are what adjusts the price of the Brain in a Jar and its usefulness.  They usually are either very disgruntled with their state and quite mad, or knowing very little of the situation outside of their direct knowledge and therefore calm but also insane.  Few are able to retain their sanity without sensory input beyond the auditory one built into their jar, and the few that do usually have a strong mental bond with the one they are a companion to.  Brain in a Jar companions cannot use an abilities requiring a physical body, but ones that can work mentally or by voice are able to be used.  Due to having little else to do, they usually have a lot of focus.

HP: 10 /  EP: 4 / LP: 0 / SP: 2 / FP: 32
Reaction: 1 / Finesse: 5 / Intelligence: (Varies, 20 average)
Wisdom: (Varies, 20 average) / Willpower: (Varies, 20 average) / Strength: 1
Speed: 0 (0 feet per second, 0 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Water, Lightning, Blood
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Metal, Sand

Common Drops:  Brain in a Jar (owner deceased), Broken Jar, Deceased Brain in a Jar

Brain Drain (2 FP): Drains 1 FP from an opponent and feeds it to the one it is a companion to.

Brain Sync (1 FP): Forms a link between itself and the one it is a companion to, expending one of its focus points to give it to its owner.
Control Body (3 FP):  For the duration of 12 turns or 1 hour, a Brain in a Jar can control a brainless body that previously had one as if that body were still alive by attaching its jar to the body.

Extend Knowledge (2 FP): Temporarily pushes knowledge useful in a situation that it knows into the mind of its owner for fifteen minutes or three rounds of combat.

Teach (0 FP): Acts as a teacher of its level of knowledge to its owner, granting them the bonus of studying as if it had been an ordinary living teacher.

Use Sorcerer Ability (1FP + FP cost of ability):  If a Brain in a Jar previously was within a sorcerer character's body, then it can use its magic abilities it knew in life that don't specify a physical body as being needed as if the brain still belonged to that living sorcerer.
Use Psionic Ability (1FP + FP cost of ability):  If a Brain in a Jar previously was within a psionic character's body, then it can use its psionic abilities it knew in life that don't specify a physical body as being needed as if the brain still belonged to that living psion.
Use Tinkerer Ability (1FP + FP cost of ability):  If a Brain in a Jar previously was within a tinkerer character's body, then it can use its tinkerer abilities it knew in life that don't specify a physical body as being needed as if the brain still belonged to that living tinkerer.

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