Monday, May 13, 2013

Terror: Mutrant

Rats are pests that are in many cities and in countrysides even, though rarely seen there due to their higher number of predators in the wild.  Mutrants are mutant rats of a particular breed that inspires terror in those unfortunate enough to come across them.  Mutrants start appearing in areas with a Pollution Level 3 rating, and become more and more frequently found the higher the pollution level becomes.  Areas with lower pollution levels may also have them if they aren't too far from areas that do have them, if the lower pollution level area is a hub of transportation of cargo or unregulated passenger vessels.  Mutrants, like non-mutant rats, will stowaway with vessels that have enough food to have drawn their interest.  Unlike traditional rats, mutrants have an additional pair of arms, an additional two eyes, a bone crest around the back of their head,  and are about the size of a bobcat on average.  Mutrants thankfully cannot breed with normal rats, but will not attempt to feed off of them or drive them off unless they are starving or have rabies.  Mutrants are neither solely pack animals nor solely loners, just simply looking for food and if they find something too difficult to take down on their own they'll try to get reinforcements.  When agitated, mutrants can also release a slippery substance from their pores that not only reeks, but makes them hard to grab hold of, and more easily able to fit through smaller spaces.  While mutrants can adapt to a lot of environments, they avoid high temperature areas typically.

Terror: Mutrant:  A terrifying mutant rat grown to massive proportions, mutrants will eat almost anything and tear through anything in their way to get it.  While they cannot breed with normal rats, the higher the pollution is in an area, the more likely there will be mutrants around.  Mutrants may hunt alone or in packs, typically calling for help if in trouble, or calling to alert others about a bountiful food supply.  Mutrants that mate together only do so for a breeding period, during the first three weeks of planting season each year, typically producing between three and eight offspring.  Young mutrants have +1 speed and pregnant mutrant females have -1 speed.  While they can adapt to almost any environment, they tend to prefer areas with plenty of dark, damp places to nest, and plenty of potential food sources nearby.  They do prefer to avoid very hot areas, and have no resistance against fire, electric shock, or just simple combat in general, even less-so when they are carrying a disease that affects them directly instead of using them or their parasites as contagious hosts for other species.

HP: 45 /  EP: 13 / LP: 0 / SP: 1 / FP: 22
Reaction: 16 / Finesse: 14 / Intelligence: 4

Wisdom: 18 / Willpower: 22 / Strength: 20
Speed: 20 (25 feet per second, 10 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Earth, Stone, Slime
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning, Blood 

Common Drops:  Victim's Bones, Mutrant Pelt, Mutrant Heart, Mutrant Skeleton, Unfinished Victim, Victim's Belongings

Bite VI (0 FP Each): 6 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Charge (2 FP Each):  Moving at a character's current max speed + 1 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to four movement spaces.

Climb III (1 FP Each):  Climb upward at 75% horizontal speed if a surface can be climbed without special equipment.

Dig III (1 FP Each):  Digs two-thirds its body height in a single turn.

Evasive Ooze (1 FP Each):  Exudes an ooze through its pores that makes a mutrant harder to hold on to for the next three turns, giving it an additional +2 on any hold or touch-related defenses, as well as a +2 on any affect of terrible scents on a character.

Gnaw V (1 FP Each):  Chew through most materials in a matter of minutes.  Anything of less than 13 hardness can be chewed through, scaling from 12 hardness taking an hour per cubic foot downward to 1 hardness at 5 minutes per cubic foot.

Roar (0 FP Each): Roars to intimidate and call for reinforcements.  If any are within 1/2 miles and sound is not dampened, more mutrants will come to the aid of the one roaring.  Check Willpower of opponent when used, if less than 3, -1 SP.  May only be used once per combat per mutrant to affect sanity, subsequent roaring does not affect sanity further.

Run (1 FP Each):  Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Slash II (0 FP Each):  4 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Swim (1 FP): Any species that lives in water as an aquatic or amphibious culture does not need to use focus to swim.  Moves two-thirds its land speed while in water.

Walk (0 FP Each):  Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

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