Sunday, May 26, 2013

Companion: Eager Maw:

The Eager Maw is an infernal creature that is native to certain infernal realms and sometimes are summoned by wizards and sorcerers as waste disposal, pests to inflict on rivals, and other purposes.

Companion: The Eager Maw cares not for anything but reproducing and staying alive via eating. It can spit out whatever it doesn't digest at a high velocity if it chooses to. They are blind, but have a good sense of smell and hearing, as well as being quick-footed.

HP: 18 / EP: 4 / LP: 0 / SP: 1 / FP: 9
Reaction: 29 / Finesse: 10 / Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 11 / Willpower: 17 / Strength: 4
Speed: 14 (18 feet per second, 7 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Fire, Stone, Blood
Elemental Weaknesses: Air, Ice, Sand

Common Drops: Eager Maw Skeleton, Eager Maw Corpse, Eager Maw

Bite VII (0 FP Each): 7 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Charge (2 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed + 1 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to four movement spaces.

Dig II (1 FP Each): Digs one-third its body height in a single turn.

Kick III (1 FP Each): 3 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Leap (1 FP Each): The Eager Maw leaps at a foe, allowing it to cross its running distance vertically as well as horizontally for one turn, trying to land on a foe or cross a gap.

Run (1 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Spit IV (0 FP Each): Spits out whatever undigested materials it has in its gut, possibly at a foe, at a maximum rate of 8 speed from its mouth.

Stalk III (2 FP Each): Able to follow at quarter speed the scent or tracks of another character or creature without making a sound.

Swim (1 FP Each): Any species that lives in water as an aquatic or amphibious culture does not need to use focus to swim. Moves two-thirds its land speed while in water.

Walk (0 FP Each): Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

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