Saturday, May 4, 2013

System Mechanics: Status Effects

In many roleplaying games there are modifications to a character's present state that affect how well they do in combat and other tasks, buffs, debuffs, ailments, auras or a number of other names, all commonly referred to as Status Effects.  MaL also has this staple of roleplay gaming as it serves many useful functions both in combat and character development as a whole.  A non-player character poisoned with a malady that keeps them in a coma could be healed by a player with high enough skill, and then be able to investigate how the individual was poisoned, or have to seek out the antidote if they weren't skilled enough to heal them outright.  A blind player character may have been born that way, had damage done to their eyes, or be cursed and need to have the status effect lifted and thus have gone on their journeys in the first place.  Below are some status effects and their description:

Afflicted: A character with this status effect retains the negative effects of this ability cast on them by another player or a higher power after it would normally end until it is removed.

Blindness:  A character is unable to use their sense of vision while under this status effect.  The lower the level of this status effect application, the more temporary it is.  Sand thrown at an opponent can cause temporary Blindness for a turn or two, but certain other attacks or non-combat related incidents may cause it to lengthen to hours, days, months, or more, possibly even permanently.  Any character with Blindness that is not adapted their other senses to compensate will have their finesse reduced to half its value under this status effect.

Berserk Rage:  A character with this status effect will deal an extra 20% damage, but cannot use active defensive abilities until it wears off.

Blessed:  A character with this status effect retains the effects of the last positive ability cast on them by another player or a higher power after it would normally end to the duration of the Blessed status effect.

Burning:  A character vulnerable to Fire takes 1 damage per turn beyond the initial damage until the fire is put out, or 2 damage per turn if a character is specifically weak against Fire.

Confusion:  A character with this status effect cannot tell friend from foe and has an equal chance to hit his or her fellow party members or allies as they are to hit their enemies or creatures they are fighting for the duration of the status effect.

Charged:  A character with this status effect regains 1 EP, and 1 FP per turn and his or her speed is +1 during the entire duration.

Charmed:  A character with this status effect will not attack the foe that cast it for the duration of the effect, but may attack other nearby foes, or struggle to resist it.

Controlled:  A character with this status effect will obey the one that cast it for its duration, possibly attacking fellow party members, allies and themselves, using only abilities that do not require more than 1 FP to use.

Cursed:  A character with this status effect retains the negative effects of the last ability cast on them by another player or a higher power after it would normally end until it is removed.

Dazed:  A character with this attack has -3 Finesse for the duration of its affect.

Doomed: A character with this status effect retains the negative effects of the next ability cast on them by another player or a higher power after it would normally end until it is removed.

Drained:  A character with this attack loses 1 EP per turn during its duration.

Exalted: A character with this status effect retains the positive effects of this ability cast on them by another player or a higher power after it would normally end until it is removed.

Fated: A character with this status effect retains the positive effects of the next ability cast on them by another player or a higher power after it would normally end until it is removed.

Frozen:  A character vulnerable to Ice takes 1 damage per turn beyond the initial damage until thawed out, or 2 damage per turn if a character is specifically weak against Ice.

Hexed:  A character with this status effect retains the negative effects of the last ability cast on them by another player or a higher power after it would normally end until its duration ends.

Infected:  A character with this status effect is infected with the target infection type and unless immune or cured advances at the rate of infection spread.

Jinxed:  A character with this status effect loses 1 LP per turn until it is cured or its duration ends, and the loss remains until a character improves their luck.

Null:  A character with this status effect neutralizes all other status effects and 20% of damage dealt to them from attacks for the duration of the effect.

Panic:  A character with this status effect loses 1 SP and 1 EP per turn until its duration is over.

Petrified:  A character with this status effect is unable to move for the duration of the effect.

Phased:  A character with this status effect is incapable of attacking or being attacked for the duration of this effect, but may still move, even through solid matter.

Poisoned:  A character with this status effect loses HP per turn for the duration of its effect unless cured equal to reaction to the poison used.

Reflecting:  A character with this status effect will reflect the next ability used on them back at the other character.  Its duration is for however long until the first ability is used on them and then proportionately after to the level of its leveling up.

Regeneration:  A character with this status effect gains 1 HP per turn even at the lowest level of this status effect.

Shocked:  A character with this status effect has the effectiveness of their attack damage and defensive capabilities cut by 20% for the duration of its effect.

Silenced:  A character with this status effect makes no sounds for the duration of this effect.  This may be problematic to some casters, but very beneficial to thieves, assassin or the like.

Slowed:  A character with this status effect loses 2 speed for its duration.

Stasis:  A character with this status effect cannot move, attack or be attacked for the duration of its effect.

Stunned:  A character with this status effect has -2 Reaction for the duration of its effect.

Transformed:  A character with this status effect is not in their native form but instead another for the duration of its effect.

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