Friday, May 24, 2013

Companion: Glutinous Toad:

Ribbit! No one knows why the chicken crossed the road, but the frog and likewise the toad, crossed to get back to their pond. Needless to say, few survived the trip. The Glutinous Toad is a very hungry little companion of ten inches in length that will consume insects, arachnids, fish and other small creatures for food, as well as attacking larger prey. The Glutinous Toad is, unlike the common garden variety, a mutant that has sharp teeth inside its mouth to chew larger prey when given a chance. They also can bloat up in size to float in air or water for a short distance, jump long distances, and use their long tongues to grab things to eat or pull themselves toward the snagged object.

Companion: Glutinous Toad: The Glutinous Toad is a mutant toad that makes for a fine companion, being useful in combat offensively and defensively to some degree, as well as a distraction. They are able to steal items, grab some and pull them towards them or pull themselves toward a larger object. They are also able to bite quite hard and give a good solid kick to foes, as well as dig into the ground a bit.

HP: 13 / EP: 1 / LP: 0 / SP: 2 / FP: 11
Reaction: 26 / Finesse: 12 / Intelligence: 9
Wisdom: 14 / Willpower: 14 / Strength:2

Speed: 16 (20 feet per second, 8 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Earth, Stone, Slime
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning, Bone

Common Drops: Glutinous Toad Skeleton, Glutinous Toad Corpse, Glutinous Toad

Bite III (0 FP Each): 3 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Dig (1 FP Each): Digs one-sixth its body height in a single turn.

Float (1 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed. May use this in water or air. Cannot increase vertical height while floating in air, but will not fall lower until 3 minutes or 1 round has passed.

Kick V (1 FP Each): 5 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Leap (1 FP Each): The Glutinous Toad leaps at a foe, allowing it to cross its running distance vertically as well as horizontally for one turn, trying to land on a foe or cross a gap.

Run (1 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Steal I (2 FP Each): Attempt to steal something hidden in a pocket or otherwise unguarded area with low skill.

Swim (1 FP Each): Any species that lives in water as an aquatic or amphibious culture does not need to use focus to swim. Moves two-thirds its land speed while in water.

Tongue-Grab (2 FP Each): Uses its seven inch long tongue (when fully extended) to grab hold of something and either pull it closer or pull itself to it.

Walk (0 FP Each): Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

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