Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Items: Sample Alchemy Potions:

Now that the alchemy system is in place, it's time to delve into how some common alchemical concoctions can be made!  The most common type of alchemical creation is a potion, so first some prefixes for clarification:

Weak:  This lasts only five minutes, or two turns.

Faint:  This lasts for fifteen minutes, or five turns.

Soft:  This lasts for half an hour, or eight turns.

Mild:  This lasts for an hour, or eleven turns.

Quick:  This lasts for two hours, or fourteen turns.

Moderate:  This lasts for four hours, or seventeen turns.

Slow:  This lasts for eight hours, or twenty turns.

Long:  This lasts for sixteen hours, or twenty-three turns.

Hard:  This lasts for a day, or twenty-six turns.

Strong:  This lasts for three days, or twenty-nine turns.

Sharp:  This lasts for a week, lasts beyond combat ending.

Acute:  This lasts for two weeks, lasts beyond combat ending.

Sharp:  This lasts for a month, lasts beyond combat ending.

Intense:  This lasts for six months, lasts beyond combat ending.

Severe:  This lasts for a year, lasts beyond combat ending.

Deep:  This lasts for five years, lasts beyond combat ending.

Supreme:  This does not fade from the passage of time alone, lasts beyond combat ending.

Here are a few potions samples, as well as how they are made:

Item: Faint Potion of Blindness (12 Silver): This potion is used to induce blindness in the individual it is affecting for a duration of fifteen minutes unless cured outside of combat, and within combat it lasts through the five turns unless cured.  Made with three minutes of heating and mixing two parts each of the essences Vettir and Lin.

Item: Mild Potion of Berserk Rage (48 Silver):  This potion induces a berserk rage, making a character deal an extra 20% damage, but cannot use active defensive abilities until it wears off.  Lasts for one hour or eleven turns in combat.  Made with twenty minutes of heating and mixing four parts Firazgo, one part Sang, three parts Keli.

Item: Weak Potion of Burning (4 Silver):  This potion sets ablaze a character affected by it for five minutes, or two turns, unless cured.  Made with mixing two parts Firazgo together with one part Lin.

Item: Soft Potion of Confusion (24 Silver):  This potion induces confusion in a character affected by it for half an hour or eight turns in combat unless cured.  Made with ten minutes of heating and mixing three parts Tren and three parts Wezen.

Item:  Acute Potion of Charm (630 Silver):  This potion makes the one affected by it unable to attack the first person they see for two weeks, does not wear off during combat.  Made with four hours of heating and mixing fifty-six parts Tren twenty-eight parts Wezen and twenty-eight parts Keli, then cooling without freezing for another eighty minutes.

Item: Quick Potion of Control (90 Silver):  This potion makes the one that is affected by it in control of the first person they see for two hours or fourteen turns in combat.  Made with forty minutes of heating and mixing four parts Wezen, eight parts Tren, and four parts Vettir, then cooling without freezing for another forty minutes.

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