Thursday, May 2, 2013

Physics and Forces:

As there are different types of MaL classical elements, there are also MaL physics properties and forces, and forces that either bridge physics and magic, or stand outside both.  These primarily affect the rate of mutation, disease and overall health and technology of an area.  Within the physics there are eight different categories.  Radio Waves, Microwaves and High Microwaves are grouped together for their use in technology and spread of their frequencies.  Infrared and Visible Light are grouped together due to their close frequencies.  The lower this grouping is, the more it is outputting infrared rather than visible light, possibly making something invisible to beings that only see visible light.  Ultraviolet Rays and X-Rays can cause mutation in decent quantities or kill.  They are also used for scanning things, primarily for health reasons.  Gamma Rays and High Energy Gamma Rays are grouped together for their ability to mutate at lower quantities and kill at moderate ones if not properly shielded.  These four groups are the energy groups of MaL physics.  Gravity, Density and Size are grouped together for their influence in an area with their pull, with the higher the number being stronger in gravity due to its density being higher than normal for the object or place as compared to its normal expected amount.  If one is shrunk their size decreases but their gravity goes up. Of course, if dealing solely with physics methods of shrinking or enlarging without magic being involved, most things are unable to support their structure outside a narrow alteration in size percentage.  Magnetism is another physics property, pulling other objects toward a magnetized object of similar or lower magnetic strength.  The higher the strength of the magnetic field, the more it can pick up, including some things not ordinarily thought to be magnetic.  Spatial Coordinates are another physics property, both within one realm, its multiple other dimensions, other realms and alternate universes.  Temporal Flow is another physics property, affecting how fast time is moving and in which direction.

Heat and Vibrations may seem to be purely physics forces, but Fire is a MaL classic element and Air which affects vibrations in the air such as speech.  As such, they are bridge forces.  Light and Shadow is another bridge force, stemming from Fire, but also other sources as well, such as natural phosphorescence and fluorescence.  Life and Death is a force outside physics and classical elements, but an undeniable force which affects all matter, even the inanimate, as atoms themselves may decay over a prolonged period of time, even stable ones, if in an unstable environment.  There are also outside so-called Alignment Forces, which are linked to the physical, spiritual and mental state of a being or area.  Chaos and entropy are dynamic and obvious when walking into an untamed area, and may cause different reactions in individuals, especially if Chaos is high enough to cause illusions or seemingly physical impossibilities to a being unable to perceive higher dimensions.  Order is its opposite, static, sterile, sometimes harsh and cold.  Order is constantly trying to assert itself and is very obvious when seen, such as a police state or an empty void.  Chaos and Order are two sides of the same coin, locked in a never-ending struggle, the Force of Attitude.  The attitude radiating from a mysterious dimensional tear may cause mild introversion or extroversion changes and fear or attraction to it, depending on the general attitude of the individual approaching it and the attitude radiating from the tear.  Selflessness and Selfishness are two sides of strange Concern Alignment Force, as it takes a keen eye to notice them on first glance, but the presence and power of these forces radiates out from the source to try to influence beings around it to become more like it.  A holy fountain may be selfless and purifying to those that approach and more-so to those that drink from it without tainting it.  A relic may be corrupt and radiate selfishness, its curse to make those that find it fight over its supposed value.  The Perceiving Alignment Force deals with the shift between the senses and intuition and how something might either mask its presence entirely or try to deceive its true nature and its effectiveness against either one side or the other.  The Judgement Alignment Force deals with whether something is thought or felt, logic and emotions, and the more slanted its use is in one direction, the more it affects that type of reaction, potentially pushing logical thought processes into a dark diversion with deception whereas one that relied on their emotions more might feel something is out of place and not be so easily led, and vice versa.  The more specialized an alignment force attack is toward specific combinations of alignment categories, the more effective it is against that specific type and those most similar, but with far diminished effectiveness to those less similar.

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