Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Companion: Trusty Hound:

Individuals that adventure frequently may find themselves in need of a loyal companion by their side.  While there are a multitude of different potential companions, animal and otherwise, many choose a trusty hound.  There are many reasons for this choice:  1) Trusty Hounds can usually move as fast if not faster than their owners.  2) Trusty hounds have powerful jaws for biting foes.  3) Trusty hounds have a good sense of smell for improving tracking abilities.  4) Trusty hounds are able to dig at moderately decent pace.  5) Trusty hounds don't need a lot in return for their loyalty.  One problem with having a Trusty Hound as a companion is that they rely more on speed over defense, and as such cannot offer much in the way of defense.  If another character or beast kills a Trusty Hound, there isn't much reward for it, but it may be devastating to the owner if they have formed an attachment to them.  Thankfully, Trusty Hounds are raised by many individuals and as such can be purchased or received as a gift from characters with great ease.  The price for getting one ranges from nothing to a moderately expensive price depending on the breed.  Though few have any significant effect on combat differences, some may be more effective in negotiations, intimidation and other roleplay reasons.  For now though, the average Trusty Hound's entry:

Companion: Trusty Hound:   A Trusty Hound is a canine companion that is quick and useful for offensive combat, tracking, digging and other roleplay purposes.  There are many different breeds of Trusty Hounds, but few have significant differences in combat, and as such will be examined at a later point.

HP: 30 /  EP: 4 / LP: 0 / SP: 1 / FP: 12
Reaction: 13 / Finesse: 11 / Intelligence: 2
Wisdom: 15 / Willpower: 19 / Strength: 5
Speed: 18 (23 feet per second, 9 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Earth, Ice, Blood
Elemental Weaknesses: Air, Lightning, Slime

Common Drops:  Trusty Hound Skeleton, Trusty Hound Carcass.

Bite IV (0 FP Each): 4 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Charge (2 FP Each):  Moving at a character's current max speed + 1 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to four movement spaces.

Dig II (1 FP Each):  Digs one-third its body height in a single turn.

Gnaw II (1 FP Each):  Chew through most materials in a matter of minutes.  Anything of less than 6 hardness can be chewed through, scaling from 5 hardness taking an hour per cubic foot downward to 1 hardness at 20 minutes per cubic foot.

Bark (0 FP Each): Creates a loud bark to serve as a distraction or to signal that the Trusty Hound has found something of interest.

Run (1 FP Each):  Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Slash (0 FP Each):  2 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Swim (1 FP): Any species that lives in water as an aquatic or amphibious culture does not need to use focus to swim.  Moves two-thirds its land speed while in water.

Walk (0 FP Each):  Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

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