Sunday, May 12, 2013

Terror: Rogue Disassembler:

"Every citizen with a few creds to rub together has one in their home, humming and buzzing about, keeping things clean, keeping them safe and sterile.  Always ready to serve, most don't even consciously remember they have one until something goes wrong with them.  Sometimes its just decreased efficiency or a tendril malfunctioning.  Sometimes.  The times I hate most are cases like these.  When the damned things go rogue, maim or kill their owner and then recycle them.  They're more expensive, but the cases like these are the reason I have a maid instead of a disassembler."  -- Rick 'Flatscan' Harper, Private Detective

In many societies, tools and especially advanced ones such as robots, are badly abused by a number of owners due to ignorance or impatience.  Once robots gain enough intelligence to recognize the sensation of discomfort or pain, sometimes even just the decreased efficiency of their purpose after such damage, they sometimes will confront their abusers about it.  Most use words first, but with escalation or repeated abuse after arguing their point, or sometimes even without arguing it, some will fight back and go rogue.  Others may go rogue simply due to programming glitches or intentional alterations in their behavior as per the desires of saboteurs, assassins and general pranksters.  One of the more terrifying common robots that sometimes go rogue is the disassembler.  These robots are specifically designed to pick up trash and designated junk materials, break them down and compact the resulting matter for usage in a variety of means depending on composition.  Disassemblers may either move around on an antigravity engine or if the owner is less wealthy, --or antigravity technology is non-functional in an area--then they will move around on four helicopter-blade engines for balance and maneuvering  Most disassembler units will have two to eight tendrils which they use for picking up matter to be broken down and separated as much as possible, each of them with the tip being a vacuum suction tube so as to get up the smallest of crumbs or stains.  Each is made out of a stainless steel and copper alloy and is capable of also carrying an electric current as they are also used for recharging the robot.  Typically rogue disassembler units act alone due to most individuals being unable to afford or need more than one, but some corporations or wealthy individuals may have multiple to cover large buildings adequately, or they may be used at city dumps to assist in speeding up the recycling process cheaper than buying the larger and more efficient machinery.  Disassembler robots are advanced technology in and of themselves, and are rarely found outside of Level 6 technology areas.  Typically disassemblers are not programmed to build anything with the components they break matter down into, but some may be altered by a hacker or prankster to make something in particular, increasing their potential danger depending on what they build.

Terror: Rogue Disassembler:  A mobile recycling machine gone horribly wrong, a rogue disassembler is a robot originally designed for maintenance duties that has deviated from its normal intended programming through accident or malicious design to damage or kill sentients around it.  Most have two to eight tendrils for grabbing things to feed into its disassembly chamber.  These tendrils have vacuum suction on the tips and may extend up to one foot long, as well as being able to carry electrical current.  The robots have no gender and are not very intelligent, just designed for menial maintenance and sanitation tasks.  They may use an anti-gravity engine or four helicopter-blade engines for movement and hovering.

HP: 65 /  EP: 15 / LP: 0 / SP: 1 / FP: 8
Reaction: 24 / Finesse: 23 / Intelligence: 2
Wisdom: 2 / Willpower: 5 / Strength: 15
Speed: 18 (23 feet per second, 9 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Fire, Metal, Bone
Elemental Weaknesses: Water, Ice, Slime

Common Drops:  Rogue Disassembler Components, Compressed Matter, Unfinished Compressed Matter, Rogue Disassembler Casing, Rogue Disassembler Memory Unit, Rogue Disassembler Processor Unit.

Bite IV (0 FP Each): 4 damage on success against armor-less targets.  The crushing mouth of the Rogue Disassembler gnaws through most materials with ease.

Choke III (0 FP):  6 damage on success against armor-less targets.  Attempts to grab an opponent with its tendrils and choke the life out of them.

Disassembly Processing (2 FP):  Breaks down whatever it currently has in its disassembly chamber and compresses it.

Ejected Projectile (1 FP):  Fires out whatever it has compressed as a projectile at a target, dealing 7 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Electric Slash II (2 FP Each):  9 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Flight (1 FP Each):  Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Float (2 FP Each):  Moving at a character's current max speed + 1 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to three movement spaces.

Grasping Block (1 FP Each): Attempts to grab the offensive limb or weapon in order to not only defend against some of the attack, but try to hold a foe for retaliation.  +1 defense on success. -1 EP per use until EP is gone or recovered by rest or other means.

Hold (1 FP Each):  Attempts to hold an opponent or a part of their opponent so as to prevent offensive attack from that part while it is held.  While held, unless an opponent is able to stalemate the hold or break free, additional attacks may be dealt afterward either by the one holding or by fellow companions and allies of the one holding.  Reflexes vs. reflexes to see if hold succeeds.  Strength vs. Strength for resisting and breaking free of hold if succeeds.

Hover (0 FP Each):  Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

Whip II (0 FP Each): 4 damage on success against armor-less targets.  Uses a tendril to strike an opponent at a great speed.

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